Thursday, October 27, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
abductee support group prt 2
Mass Abduction of Abductee Support Group
by Misty Rhodes
by Misty Rhodes
I see a very tall Being approaching from the right, from around behind the ramp. Since I am thinking that I have gone to heaven, I imagine that it is my brother, Roy. Wasn't it nice of Roy to come and greet me? This Roy is really tall and has strange eyes. They are bright blue or green with a slit (Roy had green eyes). He is indifferent. I say, "So this is where we go when we die." I was glad to be with Roy, but what about my sister, Mariah? She would be devastated. I needed to reassure her. Still thinking I was in heaven, I asked, "Can we communicate with people from up here?" He was puzzled at my question but nods, yes. I was glad but then got upset, "Then how come you never tried to contact us?" He is puzzled again but brushes my odd comment aside. He leads me off to a short right.
Walking, I notice that this heaven has a lot of chrome. Our destination is a waiting area and he seats me against the left wall just inside the door. There are other people present and sitting in this room. I think that we are waiting to be processed for entry into heaven. A large Being sits in a chair in the center of the room. Like a guard, he watches over us. Other people are against the wall beside me and across the room. I see a couple ("DT" and wife "LT" from our abductee support group) sitting shoulder to shoulder like lovebirds. There are a lot of things going on outside of this room, which to me seemed long and narrow. (Others reported it as round).
Suddenly, someone rushed into the room thru the door I had entered and squatted behind the guard's chair. This person was scared. (I believe this to be "KW" from the support group). The guard leans around his right shoulder and thinks to chastise him out from behind his chair. But with a certain satisfaction, he senses the young man’s fear and decides to let him stay. Hunger pains cause me to wonder if we would be getting anything to eat. The guard picked up on this and I imagine that I am given "silver-ware" to hold in anticipation of some future meal.
This did not sit right in my mind. You don't sit and hold utensils. So, the "utensils" disappeared (if they really existed).
Through another entry from the far left, a "child" came and got on its knees facing the guard. I imagine that it is playing with something on the floor. On some level, I sensed something was not quite right. This child's presence began disturbing me. Someone is called to retrieve the child and I think it is the parents. From the entry, they called its name, which I could only remember as ending in the "y" sound as in Joey. The child responded and once thru the doorway, the two beings escort it off to the right.
Again, I think of how my sister must be devastated to lose me. It seems someone left at this point - to go get her? Then I look up and she is sitting across from me. Gosh! We are here together. I hope I wasn't driving and killed us both. I wouldn't want to be responsible for her death. "Was I driving," I asked. She answered, "No, I was driving in a parking lot and hit a pole. It was really weird."
"Did Roy come to greet you, too? Wasn't that nice of him,” I asked. She said, "Well, somebody did but I don't think it was really Roy because he had strange eyes." So I think about that, why would Roy have strange eyes? So I tell her that maybe it was normal that he would have different eyes now that he came here. I would be sure to ask him later. (I don't know if Mariah was really there or I imagined it. One role of the center Being was to cater to our hallucinations in order to keep us pacified).
cosmic fam join us
Have Some of the Cosmic Family Join Usby Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Friends and Star Kids,
Yesterday I sent out to my e-groups members an announcement that there was a group of Star Visitors who wished to find a home among us on Earth because their current world will not be suitable for habitation much longer.
Given the urgency of the matter, I included in that e-mailing a request for a vote on whether the general people (as distinct from Cabal-controlled governments) would welcome such a star group seeking to immigrate here.
The voting group was a representative sample of Humans who met the requisite criteria: a global-based population who are informed about Star Visitor matters, and who are not operating from the abundant disinformation and hostile propaganda so prevalent on the Internet and elsewhere. The representative Human convenience sample selected were the 4314 members of the UFO Facts, Dr. Rich Boylan Reports and StarKids Hangout on-line groups.
While some votes may still trickle in before Thursday is over, the vote outcome is so heavily weighted towards "Yes" that it is beyond statistical probability that the outcome would change.
The vote outcome?
"Yes": 92.2%;
"No": 0.04%;
"Undecided": 7.3%.
Arguably, this is an overwhelming mandate.
Meanwhile, Star Nations has decided that the first step would not be to send an entire race (3-1/2 million persons) to Earth.
Star Nations have determined that the best way for this immigration process to start is to send in a small contingent of Star Visitors.
These would number 12, accompanied by two Zeta as guardian/observers to assure their safety upon arrival, and take back reports to Star Nations on how things are going as these Peri-Barnard Star Visitors are received and settle in on Earth.
These individuals are from a planet orbiting a red dwarf star in the Barnard's Star immediate neighborhood of fellow red dwarf stars.
They are a hybrid species that have lungs and systems that make them able to come to Earth without atmosphere or gravity adaptation - except that our Sun is brighter and they do need protection from that, and will spend most time indoors or being active at night and sleeping during the day.
What little they eat (consume for energy) is plant/vegetable matter that is not treated in any way, (irradiated/genetically modified/chemically treated, and so on). They have initial food and drink they will use meanwhile until it is known what is similar and substitutable that grows here. They need water with mineralization that is not treated in a conventional city water treatment facility, (over-chlorinating & fluoridating the water). Reverse-osmosis purified water would be the last resort to mountain spring water. A cooler climate is preferred, but they can tolerate heat if need be. Garments, if worn at all, are simple, as there is no need to comply with fashion tastes. The star-craft used for travel doubles for a living quarters, and is designed to blend in with the natural surroundings, similar to the adaptation of the creature known as a chameleon. Peer-pressure to do things is redundant to them, since it is more appropriate to turn and leave rather than give in on one's spiritual principles.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D. |
Friends and Star Kids,
Yesterday I sent out to my e-groups members an announcement that there was a group of Star Visitors who wished to find a home among us on Earth because their current world will not be suitable for habitation much longer.
Given the urgency of the matter, I included in that e-mailing a request for a vote on whether the general people (as distinct from Cabal-controlled governments) would welcome such a star group seeking to immigrate here.
The voting group was a representative sample of Humans who met the requisite criteria: a global-based population who are informed about Star Visitor matters, and who are not operating from the abundant disinformation and hostile propaganda so prevalent on the Internet and elsewhere. The representative Human convenience sample selected were the 4314 members of the UFO Facts, Dr. Rich Boylan Reports and StarKids Hangout on-line groups.
While some votes may still trickle in before Thursday is over, the vote outcome is so heavily weighted towards "Yes" that it is beyond statistical probability that the outcome would change.
The vote outcome?
"Yes": 92.2%;
"No": 0.04%;
"Undecided": 7.3%.
Arguably, this is an overwhelming mandate.
Meanwhile, Star Nations has decided that the first step would not be to send an entire race (3-1/2 million persons) to Earth.
Star Nations have determined that the best way for this immigration process to start is to send in a small contingent of Star Visitors.
These would number 12, accompanied by two Zeta as guardian/observers to assure their safety upon arrival, and take back reports to Star Nations on how things are going as these Peri-Barnard Star Visitors are received and settle in on Earth.
They are a hybrid species that have lungs and systems that make them able to come to Earth without atmosphere or gravity adaptation - except that our Sun is brighter and they do need protection from that, and will spend most time indoors or being active at night and sleeping during the day.
What little they eat (consume for energy) is plant/vegetable matter that is not treated in any way, (irradiated/genetically modified/chemically treated, and so on). They have initial food and drink they will use meanwhile until it is known what is similar and substitutable that grows here. They need water with mineralization that is not treated in a conventional city water treatment facility, (over-chlorinating & fluoridating the water). Reverse-osmosis purified water would be the last resort to mountain spring water. A cooler climate is preferred, but they can tolerate heat if need be. Garments, if worn at all, are simple, as there is no need to comply with fashion tastes. The star-craft used for travel doubles for a living quarters, and is designed to blend in with the natural surroundings, similar to the adaptation of the creature known as a chameleon. Peer-pressure to do things is redundant to them, since it is more appropriate to turn and leave rather than give in on one's spiritual principles.
abductee support group
Mass Abduction of
Abductee Support Group
by Misty Rhodes
Abductee Support Group
by Misty Rhodes
The made-for-television movie “Intruders” aired May of 1992 and I credit its frightening depictions of abductions with awakening my memories. My younger brother Jon now lived in Nashville, TN. Over the phone, I told him my suspicions of having had alien abductions all my life. As fate would have it, he had recently visited the drummer from his childhood band in Houston. This friend was now involved with a UFO group called HUFON (Houston UFO Network). In fact, he and his wife were holding abductee support-group meeting at their home. Can you get any more coincidental than that? Yes. They had introduced Jon to a Master hypnotherapist well known for his investigative work with Abductees. This incredible coincidence had me shaking my head in amazement. Jon went on to say, "I told him about how my sister had psychic abilities." Jon gave me his friend’s phone number, who then gave me the number to the Master hypnotherapist. I made an appointment.
My first session went something like this: Why would they pick you up and not someone else? After some thought, I replied, "Because I belong to them". When he asked if I believed in reincarnation, I said, “Certainly not! People who believe in reincarnation are kooks. They make it all up!” I would not even entertain the idea. Now I wonder why he even asked me about reincarnation. Being ex-CIA, did he know or maybe suspect something? At that time, he considered himself the aliens sworn enemy and the feelings were mutual. They respond in kind.
When he asked about any special abilities, I stated that sometimes I know what people are thinking, not all the time, just sometimes.
When I asked the therapist if he was an abductee, he responded that he was and I smiled, feeling a sense of affinity. Then I noted the assistant, a very kind woman and the wife of my brother’s friend. I asked if she was an abductee. When he replied that she wasn't, an unmistakable rush of fear came over me.
Why had this alarmed me? Something must be there for me to have reacted this way. Maybe it was my fear of the dark Beings. The therapist leaves me with the suggestion that I will begin to remember more concerning my abductions.
Meantime, I would attend HUFON’s monthly meetings and abductees support group meetings. Occassionally, I would serve on their discussion panel.
On Dec. 9, 1992 upon awakening, there was an image in my mind of a naked man lying on a gurney next to me. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if a group of us was taken to a room and we had no cloths on? Getting up, I thought, “Nah, it didn't happen”.
As I made my way to the bathroom, I remembered dreaming of my deceased brother, Roy, but Roy had strange eyes. Looking into the mirror and blowing my nose, there was blood in my left nostril. I knew something unusual had happened.
That night, my husband had fallen asleep on the living room floor while watching television. I had gone to bed in the adjacent room. I become aware of an absolutely huge ship over the top of my house. It was massive enough to have consumed the entire sky. In a trance, I walked past my husband and out the side door. A Being met me in our driveway. He stands aside as a blue beam of light shines down from the night sky and encircles me.
Meanwhile, I am facing my neighbor's house and their bedroom window. I considered the absurdity of such a scene - an otherworldly Being in my driveway as I stand in my gown inside a blue beam of light. I thought, "If they were to look out their window and see this, they really-would think I was weird." And on some level, I knew I was being beamed-up to heaven.
Ahead of me is a raised floor maybe 4-foot high with a side rail and a ramp coming down the right. There were three Beings up there and the larger is angrily confronting the other two regarding exposure of their presence among us humans. He noticed me standing near the elevators. "And there's another one!" he pointed out. I was naked and it took him a moment as he did a quick mental process to determine if I was male or female. “Bring her over here," he demanded. He intended to use me to demonstrate his case as he reprimanded the others. They refused saying, "No, we can't do that," as if they were following other orders regarding our handling. This frustrated him even further but he couldn’t call their bluff and override their instructions. Telepathically, someone was called to retrieve me.
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