Hello, I am simply going to identify myself as Sinclair, which is my actual surname. This is my attempt to tell my story and what I know concerning secret societies, extra dimensional beings and what amounts to a global Luciferian dictatorship. I will try to give it in a reasonably readable length but there is a lot of information.
I was born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland to a family who's ties to orginisations like the Knights Templar and S. R. Freemasonry have been ongoing for hundreds of years and who's anscestors before that can be traced through Merovingian descendancy.My family represents the Scottish branch of one offshoot of the Merovingian dynastic rulers, the French branch of which is more often spelt "St. Clair".
The front organizations and religions to which clans like ours have historically been connected to and have hereditary guardianship of (Knights Templar, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, etc.) present a face to the public which shrouds the true intentions and purposes of those affiliated behind a socially acceptable front. Whilst they maintain an impression of charity, benevolence, even Christianity on the surface, the initiate into these philosophies will go through a process of uncovering a darker truth as they advance.
The highest degrees in such secret orders will not be mentioned to the initiate or the public as they are not attainable by members who join outside of a traceable hereditary connection. Those highest degrees (of which no participant is ever entirely sure of the extremity of) conceal the adepts and the rather unbelievable nature of what they do.
It's only possible for me to describe what that is in the most general way as some of it defies words and some of it has been literally locked out of my consciousness to keep it from reaching a medium like this. The adepts of the Craft have learned a body of knowledge that has been passed down since it was allegedly given to them by "gods". I do not call them gods nor regard them as such, but these interdimensional beings, in a remote past, gave the knowledge of how to manipulate the construct of the world through the use of various sciences which would seem more to the reader like magic if viewed.
Magic (complete defiance of the laws of physics) is actually a myth but what is regarded as magic is not, it is a high science that defies the understanding of the line between the two. Geometric configurations, harmonics and ley lines are some of what is used to literally play "god" on earth and there is very little which remains beyond the capacity of these sciences to achieve.
The secret orders all pay homage to this body of knowledge and the beings which brought it to them, and so their "god" is a Promethean figure. Prometheus was, in Greek Mythology, someone who stole the fire of the gods and brought it down to men. He was subsequently punished by those gods. This myth is simply a picture that is metaphorical for the beings which brought this knowledge to mankind. It is embodied in its highest incarnation in the being which is known biblically as Lucifer. Again, a creature who gave knowledge to men that was not his to give nor was it for the betterment of mankind, ultimately.
The beings which I am speaking of here, make no mistake, are purely evil in every sense of the word. They not only passed information to mankind, but also their genes. They took human females and they procreated with them, producing a hybrid line. This hybrid line has survived into modern times and since the days when those beings walked the earth, their children have established a system of governance over mankind which is repeatedly seen in every nation on Earth. The word "king" in Hebrew is Malek. The word for angel is Malak. The two are actually identical as Hebrew has no written or recorded vowels in its original form so that we still have the evidence that King=Angel. The first rulers over man were interdimensional beings, and their children carried on the tradition.
With this power still, the descendants of these creatures rule the world behind the puppets of Presidents, prime ministers and completely ineffectual governing bodies. Their ultimate goal is much more than world domination, it is to literally Change what the world is into their "Arcadia", a Utopian or Eden-like idealistic state ruled by their version of a messiah (which is actually the antithesis of the Messiah of the bible) where they will have achieved physical immortality whilst humanity is either completely enslaved or simply eradicated. Their morals are based on nothing but "do what you will and let that be the whole law".
People are useless eaters to them if they do not fill a capacity which furthers their ultimate goal and so there is an ongoing agenda to depopulate the world as much as possible by way of multiple means of toxifying the food and water supply, propagandising and brainwashing the populace into believing a million lies about what is "good for them". The "Green" movement is simply a means to that end, instilling in people a worshipful sense of devotion for the planet and at the same time degrading the worth of human beings.
Trauma Training:
I am missing great portions of the memory of my life. The reason that this is the case is because there is an unsavory "art" practiced in families like mine of trauma training those who will likely serve the cause in a position that needs to be kept unknown from public view.
The process has a goal to literally divide one mind into several different consciousness. The means by which it is done is exposure to extreme abuse, contradiction and terror. The mind of a child can't survive this process as a sane individual if they do not disassociate and so that natural mechanism to defend the psyche becomes a tool which is then used by the "handlers" to create useful people for the cause.
When the mind splits, the new identity is a blank slate. The handlers decide what that new identity will be used to do and then provides the blank slate with the data until that new identity becomes exactly what they wanted. There are various levels of alters, as they are called, each specializing in some function of the whole. The whole person is called "the system" whilst the original personality is called "the core". The core is often buried in such a way that it never surfaces to live its own life. Each alter has a name or designation and a recall trigger which will bring the alter to the surface when it's given. That trigger can be anything really, a word or image, a pattern, a song or smell.
Militaries and governments have extensively used this trauma programming to create soldiers and agents which can be used for purposes which are above and beyond a normal human being and at the same time will not be able to betray their superiors in giving up information, as that information remains under a "trigger lock" which only the handler can access. Projects Monarch, MKULTRA and Mannequin have all used this technique and they generally seek out those candidates who have a genetic trace back to one of the "blue bloodlines" because of the inherited ease with which they disassociate.
What you need to know
There is nothing in this world that is not under the auspices of these power-holders. Media, services, products, educational institutions, militaries, and entertainment industries are all "owned". Their agenda is pushed through those and becomes what society is for the people living in it. Their language is a symbolic one and by reading it the public can prove to themselves who and what drives the initiative behind all these commonplace things.
They own both sides of the argument, wherever there is one, whatever the debate is about. They own the right and the left, they control the culture and the counter-culture, they've formed the basis of the opinion that there is no Creator and they've formed the basis for believing in many gods. The world has been lied to in every way possible and there is no one out there who has not been effected.
What is sold to people as enlightenment and transcendental spirituality comes down to nothing more than endless death and destruction. They are killers, pure and simple and by some miracle I was allowed just enough presence of mind to understand that my place in the machine made me nothing but a highly useful tool. I left them behind, my family, my handlers and every trace of the life connected to them. I rejected it with all my soul and God, the Real God, in His grace, saved my life.
Their most valuable asset is the fact that the world would not want the truth even if it was handed to them. To have the truth, you've got to want it more than what you want to believe in.
The Knights Templar were forcibly disbanded in 1312. There is no longer any remnant of the original order left, but they have been mentioned in a lot of pop culture books and films like the DaVinci Code. In any case, with no name, no credible evidence, and nothing to go on, I'd say whoever wrote this is a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Stick with fuzzy flying things and lights in the sky...