Ominous booms thunder across the sky. These 'skyquakes' are abruptly erupting all over the world. Hundreds of thousands wonder in fear about the bizarre hums, explosive booms, and howling moans. From Russia, to Australia, from Chile to the Eastern Coast of the U.S., the sky is exploding. As the frequency and intensity increase people are asking: 'Is Doomsday approaching?' Some researchers fear that may be exactly what's coming...
Harmonics may signal massive Earth core slippage
Millions of years ago the seas suddenly rose, islands disappeared, continents flooded, and mighty mountain ranges like the Andes rocketed from the depths of the ocean reaching many thousands of feet into the air within a matter of hours.
Today fossils of bottom dwelling sea creatures—even actual parts of seashells—can still be found near the South American range's jagged mountain peaks.
Despite the fact that a few believe the Earth may flip on its axis, that's not very likely to happen.
Is the sky falling? No, the Earth's core is slipping...
What is happening is the liquid iron core of the Earth is spinning at a different rate than the planet's rotation and the slippage is causing a measurable migration of the Earth's magnetic field.
What is happening to the earth
we may not have much time.We should have taken care of her instead of only worrying about ourselves, and destroying our own,with wars, famine, when they all could have been avoided.We should have united as one earth and not as seperate countries, all they did was cause conflict,loss of life,economy collapses,and other negative problems.Just think at all the money and time and resources we could have saved if there was no wars and no competition between countries we could combined all the countries resources and knowledge, probably we would be rid of sickness,wars,poverty, and we would have done amazing things in the time that we had to screw up the earth.
Death and destruction on an Apocalyptic scale
The stresses building up in the core deep in the heart of the world also migrate outwards to the mantel and eventually the crust. Slipping strata within the bowels of the planet create incredible pressures…pressures so great that temperatures soar and dense metals flow like liquids.

Oceans can rise miles high in a matter of hours
The vibrations affect the crystals and can set in motion massive Earth changes culminating with continental upheavals, massive landslides, coastal areas collapsing, and ocean beds becoming mountain ranges.
Cities could become graveyards filled with deathtraps
Inside the Earth underground lightning's being transmitted planetwide. Subscribe to this and get all the news.
We need a new system of government,laws,energy,transportation,construction.And the government knows it screwed up but they cant start all over they would rather live there life successfully and richly at the cost of the planet and its people besides they all ready no its to late.
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