Here are a few tips:
1. Never go alone on a ghost hunt. Take along a partner for safety and peace of mind.

3. Make sure all of your equipment is fully charged and that you have extra batteries . Ghosts have the ability to drain fully charged instruments.
4. Don't walk into an area snapping pictures immediately . Give those ghosts that are present some time to get used to you.
5. Be aware of the surroundings for safety sake. For best results, always take a day walk through before doing a nighttime investigation, if possible. The other option would be to show up just before dark (dusk) and have a look around before starting.
6. A ghost hunter steps into an investigation/ghost hunt with the best of feelings for those that are with him/her and for the ghosts that might be present. In other words, full respect for the living and the dead.
7. Above all - NO HORSE PLAY! A serious and conscientious ghost hunter gets results.
8. Large groups should split up into smaller groups of four individuals or less per team.
9. If you are scientifically minded, and I hope that you are.....take along a notebook to record significant occurrences. Begin by logging in the starting time and weather conditions etc. Also make note of surrounding lights so as to not confuse them with anomalies later on in the pictures. Record all meter abnormalities, strange sounds, sightings and feeling or emotions. Each group should take their own notes and compare afterwards.
10. Do not show fear. A gracious ghost will not come around if they sense you are fearful. Yet your fear can have a mischievous ghost feeding on that fear......not good for first timers.

12. Keep in mind that a lot of the places you will be investigating will be secluded. Because of this you should always bring along some form of protection. I suggest pepper spray or a stun gun. I am of course talking about protecting yourself from bad people, not bad ghosts.
13. If you are going to be taking pictures, be sure and read the Ghost hunting photography tips post coming tomorrow.
14. If you feel that some unknown force wants you out of there...then by all means get out! You should never go against these feelings or you could end up having something show up at your home.
15. Never dare an unseen entity to make itself known to you (unless provoking) However, It is okay to ask those present if you can take their picture or record their voice.
16. Make sure you have permission before entering private property such as a cemetery or abandoned house. I know how tempting this can be for a ghost hunter to do. Just remember this though, when you are caught sneaking around, it makes the ghost hunting community as a whole look bad. You could also be fined or jailed. Think about that.
17. If you are not familiar with EMF meters, They can be quite helpful in locating ghostly presences.
18. Now a word about ghost voices, referred to as EVP (electronic voice phenomena). Take along an audio recorder and as you are recording ask questions to those invisible beings that might be in the area. Pause for an answer. It's also a good idea to ask some questions and then leave the device recording in a remote location for around 20 minutes or so. When you come back you might have your replies! For a list of EVP instructions for capturing ghost voices, please see our EVP post coming tomorrow.
19 End a ghost hunt/investigation by evoking the power of God as a protection. "All unseen presences must remain here in the name of God" (or however you would do it according to your own personal religious beliefs). And don't forget to thank these that are unseen for any evidence you may have acquired during the investigation/hunt.
Don't forget to check out your old photos and you photo albums for ghost anomalies. You might be pleasantly surprised at the ghost pictures you already have!
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