Friday, September 30, 2011


The Search For Atlantis
A two-hour documentary about Atlantis was aired on A&E cable television, narrated by Ted Danson. Everyone who viewed the show thought it was a "nightmarish" collection of non-truths and omissions obviously designed to abort Atlantis research and keep the truth about the lost continent as a myth.
The show was hastily made and absolutely flawed. Here are some of the errors.
6) One-half hour was devoted to Hitler and his desire to turn Germany into Atlantis, using Atlantis as the reason for the Holocaust. We know that Hitler was intrigued by Atlantis but the causes of the Holocaust were complex and only marginally related to the Atlantis story.
Both Edgar Cayce and Madame Helena Blavatsky were made to look like fools. Statements made about these two mystics were totally in error and very defamatory.
The daughter of the deceased Greek archaeologist Marinatos was shown on camera, giving the wrong dates for Santorini (Thera) and claiming it was not Atlantis. No mention was made of Marinatos' mentor, Dr. Angeles Galanopolous, a superb archaeologist, whose book in 1968 was irrefutable proof of the connection between Atlantis and Thera. Recent datings of Thera in "Archaeology" Magazine pre-date the statements made on the TV show by more than 3,000 years.
That statement that if Atlantis exists, it is either in Bolivia or Antarctica (where it obviously is not). No mention was made of either Spain or Bimini where most Atlantis research has taken place. No mention was made of Dr. David Zink or the Cayce explorations at Bimini. Bimini was mentioned in one sentence, glossed over, and no photographs were displayed, even though ample film exists about this site.
The documentary stated that Columbus was searching for Atlantis. This is untrue. Columbus was aware of Atlantis but his primary goal was to find new land for the Spanish crown.
The show claimed that Plato made up his story about Atlantis because he was upset over the death of Socrates. There is absolutely no truth in this statement and it cannot be documented.
There were other major errors and omissions. The show closed with a picture of the new Atlantis Hotel and Casino in the Bahamas showing a gambling table and hinting that this was probably what Atlantis was like.
Your editor appealed to A&E, to Ted Danson and to the two sponsors of the show, but no response was received.
UNQUOTEBy "other major errors and omissions" Dr. Asher is undoubtedly referring to the fact that A&E did not consult or interview her for this program. She's been claiming for years that she is going to produce her own movie or television program about Atlantis and finally reveal all, but she's never struck a deal with anybody despite her Hollywood connections.
She is a friend of actress-dancer Ann Miller, who was affiliated with this association at one time. Ann Miller accompanied Maxine to Cairo on an expedition to search for possible clues as to the location of the buried annals of Atlantis. They were wined and dined in style by the Mayor of Cairo and other notables, for the most part academics. They discovered nothing, but they sure did have a good time, sailing up and down the River Nile! As part of the trip, they invited flautist Paul Horn along.
He received permission from the Egyptian antiquities department to record some flute music inside the King's and Queen's Chambers of the Great Pyramid and the Second Pyramid. AMRA was partly behind the recording and marketing of this album. I have a copy (two-record volume), and it is some of the most breathtakingly beautiful music that I have ever heard.
The album set featured an insert, describing the expedition and the process of recording the music, in which Dr. Asher is shown photographed with Paul Horn at the Pyramid Complex. This album is probably no longer available. For your information, Paul Horn also recorded a live album in the Taj Mahal, which I have heard; but I think it pales compared to the acoustics of the Pyramids, where the internal echoes of the notes being played intermingle with the actual melody -- it is fascinating music and so totally pleasing to the ear and relaxing to the mind! Everybody who had a hand in that Pyramid flute project should be complimented and congratulated.
As for item 3 above, Dr. David Zink wrote a book titled The Stones Of Atlantis describing his research concerning the Bimini Blocks, as well as linking Atlantis to legends of "Pleiadian Gods" which are prevalent in Central and South America. This is an excellent book, and I have a copy. There is/was another undersea explorer named J. Manson Valentine who conducted similar research from his base in Miami. He has also been affiliated with Maxine and AMRA in past years.
As for Edgar Cayce, he is ultimately only another "channeler", nothing more nor less. His information must therefore be discounted, and it is surprising that Maxine continues to cite the Cayce Foundation. And one cannot even begin to put Cayce into the same intellectual category with Madame Blavatsky, if indeed that is what the program implied, as Maxine reported (see item 5).
Regarding item 4, I do not know what she is really referring to here. Her statements are confusing because she herself doesn't believe that Atlantis was Santorini. Her statement about the dating of the Thera/Santorini Cataclysm is equally obscure; Santorini is definitively dated to about 1500-1600 BCE -- there is no argument here at all from anyone.
In short, it is w-a-y over time for Dr. Maxine Asher to put up or shut up.


Finally, here is additional miscellaneous information which is taken from the book We Are Not The First by Andrew Tomas (Bantam Books, 1971), pages 74-76. This information in included here for the record.

QUOTEThe people of antiquity believed in the tremendous ages of the world and mankind, which they estimated in tens of thousands and even millions of years. To the European of Napoleonic times, the earth and man were created by God only several thousand years ago. However, the Asiatics had different views.
The Brahmins of India calculated the duration of the universe, or the Day of Brahma, to be 4.32 billion years. The Druses of Lebanon set the beginning of creation at 3.43 billion years. The present age of the earth is considered to be about 4.6 billion years, whereas that of the crust is 3.3 billion years. There are strange parallels between these figures. What is really extraordinary is the pundits' time reckoning in milliards of years -- cosmic chronology of this type was unknown until this century.
According to Simplicius (sixth century A.D.) ancient Egyptians kept records of astronomical observations for 630,000 years. The archives of Babylon were 470,000 years old, wrote Cicero with a remark that he did not believe this claim. Hipparchus (c. 190-125 B.C.) mentioned Assyrian chronicles stretching back for 270,000 years.
The Egyptian priests told Herodotus [sic -- actually it was Solon, whose visit was mentioned by Plato in Timaeus & Critias] in the fifth century B.C. that the sun had not always risen where it rose then. This implied that they had kept records of the precession of equinoxes, covering at least 26,000 years.
The Greek historian Diogenes Laertius (third century A.D.) claimed that the astronomical records of Egyptian priests began in 49,219 B.C. He also referred to their registers of 373 solar and 832 lunar eclipses, which would involve a period of approximately 10,000 years.
The Byzantine historian George Syncellus said that the chroniclers of the pharaohs had recorded all events for 36,525 years. Martianus Capella (fifth century A.D.) wrote that the Egyptian sages had secretly studied astronomy for over 40,000 years before they imparted their knowledge to the world.
The first dynasty after the Deluge was traced by Babylonian priests to a date 24,150 years before their time.
According to Codex Vaticanus A-3738, the Mayas had kept their calendrical system since 18,612 B.C.
Herodotus places the reign of Osiris at about 15,500 B.C. from the information given to him by the priests of the land of the Nile. He made the remark that they were quite certain about the exactitude of the date.
The lunar calendar of Babylon and the solar calendar of Egypt coincided in the year 11,542 B.C. The calendrical computations of India began with the year 11,652 B.C.
According to Plato, the Egyptian priests fixed the date of the sinking of Atlantis at 9850 B.C., while the Zoroastrian books set the "beginning of time" at 9600 B.C.
That these dates are correct can be questioned. But we cannot escape the conclusion that the ancients were much closer to the truth than the scholars and clerics of one and a half centuries ago who thought that the world had been created in 4004 B.C., according to the Biblical chronological study of Bishop Ussher.
The universe of the Brahmins was almost as old as that of modern science. The chronicles of the Mayas, the Egyptians, and the Babylonians went farther back in time than our history. In view of what our science has yet to learn, it would be presumptuous to accuse them of exaggeration.
The mental horizons of the peoples of antiquity were vast, and we are only beginning to see today what they perceived yesterday.
The priests of Babylon and Egypt believed that man was civilized 500,000 years ago. They kept historical and astronomical records in their archives, as Simplicius and Cicero tell us. We can smile at these claims and give civilization 5,000 years to progress from the chariot to the automobile, from bows and arrows to the atomic bomb, from the boat to the spaceship.
UNQUOTESince 1973, I have been a charter lifetime member of the Ancient Mediterranean Research Association headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Our Founder and Director is Professor Maxine Klein Asher, formerly of Pepperdine University. The Co-Founder was Pepperdine Professor Julian Nava, who later served as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico under President Jimmy Carter.
I first became acquainted with Dr. Asher in 1973, because she was in the news for her expedition to Spain to prove the discovery of the Lost Atlantis. Accompanied by Spanish undersea diver Francisco "Paco" Salazar Casero, she travelled with a university group to Cadiz. Paco, she reported later, took some underwater photos of Atlantean artifacts. But, as luck would have it, they were diving and exploring too close to a top-secret naval facility and got "chased out" of Spain as spies, fearing for their lives, and sought refuge in Ireland.
Back in New York City, Maxine gave a press conference, and she got stories written in Time, Newsweek and US News & World Report, as well as in various newspapers like The Dallas Morning News. 1973 was also the same year that I'd taken up the study of Atlantis myself, and I was most intrigued by her expedition. However, before I ever heard of her, I'd already made up my own mind that Atlantis was Antarctica, not some area only a short mile or two off the coast of Cadiz.
Paco's pictures were blurry black-and-white images of a couple of "ancient" vases, supposedly on the bottom of the ocean. There was no size-frame of reference for anything, and no people were in these pictures. But other than these pictures and her own account of events as she chronicled in her book The Atlantis Conspiracy, over the years Dr. Asher has produced absolutely no evidence of Atlantis off/in Spain. And she has made over 40 trips to Spain in this regard.
She informed me several years ago that she has a lot of "confidential" material which she is unable to reveal to anyone, not even to trusted longtime association members like myself, who have contributed money to the funding of one of her illustrious expeditions to Cadiz and who were promised a full report which we investors never received. Frankly, I don't buy it anymore. After all these years, as well as the fact that she herself is getting older, she should release some of this material to prove her contention. Periodically she will send out a newsletter from AMRA, faithfully I might add for 27 years. In it she will once again state that an exciting new discovery is about to be made in Atlantis research, so stay tuned for more details. After a while, it becomes repetitively old news.
Atlantis was Antarctica. Once whilst on a trip to Southern California, I visited Dr. Asher and was invited to lecture to the association. I took along my world polar globe and demonstrated how Plato could have been referring to Antarctica. Maxine and the group listened politely and applauded, but I got the distinct impression that I was merely their "curiosity program" of the month, that none of them intended to give up the fantasy belief that Atlantis was off the coast of Cadiz.
Again, her newsletter arrived today. She had the following to report about a recent television program which I personally did not see and knew nothing about.


Was Atlantis In Antarctica? Arguments In FavorBy Flavio Barbiero, Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
Capodiponte, ItaliaAll over the world there exist myths about a universal flood and traditions about an antediluvian civilization called Atlantis or Mu. Scientists deny usually any validity to such traditions or at least greatly reduce their significance, bringing them to more manageable spatial and temporal dimensions from an archaeological point of view (Santorini, etc.) Geology and archaeology, in fact, do not allow any space on Earth for an advanced civilization of the size and the antiquity of Atlantis, as described by Plato.
This attitude does not take into account the climatic situation on Earth during the concerned period. According to the theory exposed by the author [that is, Flavio Barbiero] in a previous section, the climatic situation during the Pleistocene was influenced by the fact that the North Pole was located between Greenland and Canada, at the edge of the great Wisconsin Icecap. As a consequence, the South Pole was placed near the current magnetic pole, on the coast of Antarctica facing Australia. The coast of Antarctica facing the Atlantic, therefore, was placed at a much lower latitude and was completely free of ice, as witnessed by conclusive geological evidence.
While the palaeolithic cultures were thriving all over the remaining parts of the world, in that part of Antarctica the first human agricultural civilization developed in complete isolation, thanks to populations driven there by oceanic currents from Southeast Asia and South America.
At the end of the Pleistocene, an asteroid or a comet impact triggered a shift of the poles, according to the mechanism explained in the previous communication. This resulted in the worldwide catastrophe remembered by traditions as the "universal flood", during which Atlantis sank (temporarily) in the ocean. Soon after, the glaciation covered the Atlantic coasts of Antarctica, thus deleting all archaeological evidence.
Several vessels must have survived the catastrophe, bringing their crew safely to the coasts of America, Africa and Asia. Here they started, in complete autonomy and isolation, the Neolithic cultures and later civilizations. The numerous striking similarities between ancient civilizations all over the world were due in our view to the common culture of the survivors of the flood. An impressive amount of evidence of different kinds supports this theory.
The chronological gap of 4 millennia between the end of Atlantis and the archaeological findings of the most ancient known civilizations (such as Mohenjo Daro, Ur and so on), is only apparent due to the thawing of the northern hemisphere's icecap; the sea level has been constantly rising during the first 4 millennia after the end of the Pleistocene, for a total amount of possibly 130 meters, thus submerging any remnants of populations established along the coasts. This is confirmed by the existence of submerged structures all over the world, like the great pyramid off Yonaguny Island (Japan), the remnants of a town off the Cadiz coast and so on.
UNQUOTEThe following information was taken from an article by the late British Atlantologist, Dr. Egerton Sykes, that appeared in The Atlantis Magazine in September 1973 (page 95). "All three [Bimini, Andros, North Sea] are facets of the megalithic culture, which lasted until BC 1500 and which may well have started in BC 10,000 in Atlantis.
The ruins which we have been able to find are those which were on the European and American continental shelves which endured until BC 6000, the date when the Atlantic broke through into the Mediterranean by the Straits of Gibraltar, into the North Sea by Ys and Lyonysse; and into the Caribbean and surrounding islands of Bimini and Andros. The cause was probably the melting of glacial ice sheets in the North, the same as that which forced the Thalassic peoples to leave Central Asia."
There were Polar Axis Shifts, with accompanying melting polar ice-caps, in 1587, 5187 and 8787 BCE. The fact that the "megalithic culture" lasted until about 1500 BCE undoubtedly reflects the axis shift of 1587; and the date for the Atlantic's breaking through into the Mediterranean, along with other contemporaneous events, most certainly could be more accurately dated at 5187 BCE, rather than closer to 6000 BCE.
In the book Atlantis Rising by Brad Steiger (Dell, 1973) we find these observations. "In the January 1969 issue of Fate magazine, Hugh Auchincloss Brown reports on the evidence that indicates that the Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli on the Adriatic Sea's Gulf of Venice was erected by artisans of a civilization that existed 12,000 to 19,000 years ago.
Brown writes that the temple must have been erected when the site was above sea level, as it is at the present time, but that it has been below sea level by at least 20 feet, judging by the holes left by boring clams 15 to 20 feet above the present sea level. The creators of the great marble columns had tools that enabled their workmanship to rival the Egyptians'. According to Brown: 'The present location of Pozzuoli is approximately 46° North Latitude, but at the time the Temple was erected its latitude was 40°. The earth did a roll-around which was caused by the eccentric rotating mass of ice at the North Pole, and Pozzuoli moved to approximately 65° North Latitude at which time the temple was submerged.'"
These conclusions of Mr. Brown confirm my own (as well as Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky's) placement of the previous North Polar Zone in the North Atlantic Ocean and the zone previous to that in the upper South Atlantic Ocean. If this Temple of Serapis was constructed when its present geographical location was at about 40° North Latitude, then it must have been erected when the North Pole was located between Nigeria and Brazil. At that time the Gulf of Venice was located at about 35° North Latitude, rather than at its present latitude of 46° North.
Then following the Polar Axis Shift of 5187 BCE, when the Atlantic broke through the Straits of Gibraltar and thereby raised the level of the Mediterranean Sea, the site of the Temple of Serapis in the Gulf of Venice not only would have most likely been submerged but also would have been located at about 55° North Latitude. Thus, when the North Pole was positioned between Spain and Québec, south of Greenland, from 5187-1587 BCE, the level of the Mediterranean Sea must have been at least 20 feet higher than its present level.
This would also help explain recent enigmas discovered in the
Finally, here is additional miscellaneous information which is taken from the book We Are Not The First by Andrew Tomas (Bantam Books, 1971), pages 74-76. This information in included here for the record.
QUOTEThe people of antiquity believed in the tremendous ages of the world and mankind, which they estimated in tens of thousands and even millions of years. To the European of Napoleonic times, the earth and man were created by God only several thousand years ago. However, the Asiatics had different views.
The Brahmins of India calculated the duration of the universe, or the Day of Brahma, to be 4.32 billion years. The Druses of Lebanon set the beginning of creation at 3.43 billion years. The present age of the earth is considered to be about 4.6 billion years, whereas that of the crust is 3.3 billion years. There are strange parallels between these figures. What is really extraordinary is the pundits' time reckoning in milliards of years -- cosmic chronology of this type was unknown until this century.
According to Simplicius (sixth century A.D.) ancient Egyptians kept records of astronomical observations for 630,000 years. The archives of Babylon were 470,000 years old, wrote Cicero with a remark that he did not believe this claim. Hipparchus (c. 190-125 B.C.) mentioned Assyrian chronicles stretching back for 270,000 years.
The Egyptian priests told Herodotus [sic -- actually it was Solon, whose visit was mentioned by Plato in Timaeus & Critias] in the fifth century B.C. that the sun had not always risen where it rose then. This implied that they had kept records of the precession of equinoxes, covering at least 26,000 years.
The Greek historian Diogenes Laertius (third century A.D.) claimed that the astronomical records of Egyptian priests began in 49,219 B.C. He also referred to their registers of 373 solar and 832 lunar eclipses, which would involve a period of approximately 10,000 years.
The Byzantine historian George Syncellus said that the chroniclers of the pharaohs had recorded all events for 36,525 years. Martianus Capella (fifth century A.D.) wrote that the Egyptian sages had secretly studied astronomy for over 40,000 years before they imparted their knowledge to the world.
The first dynasty after the Deluge was traced by Babylonian priests to a date 24,150 years before their time.
According to Codex Vaticanus A-3738, the Mayas had kept their calendrical system since 18,612 B.C.
Herodotus places the reign of Osiris at about 15,500 B.C. from the information given to him by the priests of the land of the Nile. He made the remark that they were quite certain about the exactitude of the date.
The lunar calendar of Babylon and the solar calendar of Egypt coincided in the year 11,542 B.C. The calendrical computations of India began with the year 11,652 B.C.
According to Plato, the Egyptian priests fixed the date of the sinking of Atlantis at 9850 B.C., while the Zoroastrian books set the "beginning of time" at 9600 B.C.
That these dates are correct can be questioned. But we cannot escape the conclusion that the ancients were much closer to the truth than the scholars and clerics of one and a half centuries ago who thought that the world had been created in 4004 B.C., according to the Biblical chronological study of Bishop Ussher.
The universe of the Brahmins was almost as old as that of modern science. The chronicles of the Mayas, the Egyptians, and the Babylonians went farther back in time than our history. In view of what our science has yet to learn, it would be presumptuous to accuse them of exaggeration.
The mental horizons of the peoples of antiquity were vast, and we are only beginning to see today what they perceived yesterday.
The priests of Babylon and Egypt believed that man was civilized 500,000 years ago. They kept historical and astronomical records in their archives, as Simplicius and Cicero tell us. We can smile at these claims and give civilization 5,000 years to progress from the chariot to the automobile, from bows and arrows to the atomic bomb, from the boat to the spaceship.
Since 1973, I have been a charter lifetime member of the Ancient Mediterranean Research Association headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Our Founder and Director is Professor Maxine Klein Asher, formerly of Pepperdine University. The Co-Founder was Pepperdine Professor Julian Nava, who later served as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico under President Jimmy Carter.
I first became acquainted with Dr. Asher in 1973, because she was in the news for her expedition to Spain to prove the discovery of the Lost Atlantis. Accompanied by Spanish undersea diver Francisco "Paco" Salazar Casero, she travelled with a university group to Cadiz. Paco, she reported later, took some underwater photos of Atlantean artifacts. But, as luck would have it, they were diving and exploring too close to a top-secret naval facility and got "chased out" of Spain as spies, fearing for their lives, and sought refuge in Ireland.
Back in New York City, Maxine gave a press conference, and she got stories written in Time, Newsweek and US News & World Report, as well as in various newspapers like The Dallas Morning News. 1973 was also the same year that I'd taken up the study of Atlantis myself, and I was most intrigued by her expedition. However, before I ever heard of her, I'd already made up my own mind that Atlantis was Antarctica, not some area only a short mile or two off the coast of Cadiz.
Paco's pictures were blurry black-and-white images of a couple of "ancient" vases, supposedly on the bottom of the ocean. There was no size-frame of reference for anything, and no people were in these pictures. But other than these pictures and her own account of events as she chronicled in her book The Atlantis Conspiracy, over the years Dr. Asher has produced absolutely no evidence of Atlantis off/in Spain. And she has made over 40 trips to Spain in this regard.
She informed me several years ago that she has a lot of "confidential" material which she is unable to reveal to anyone, not even to trusted longtime association members like myself, who have contributed money to the funding of one of her illustrious expeditions to Cadiz and who were promised a full report which we investors never received. Frankly, I don't buy it anymore. After all these years, as well as the fact that she herself is getting older, she should release some of this material to prove her contention. Periodically she will send out a newsletter from AMRA, faithfully I might add for 27 years. In it she will once again state that an exciting new discovery is about to be made in Atlantis research, so stay tuned for more details. After a while, it becomes repetitively old news.
Atlantis was Antarctica. Once whilst on a trip to Southern California, I visited Dr. Asher and was invited to lecture to the association. I took along my world polar globe and demonstrated how Plato could have been referring to Antarctica. Maxine and the group listened politely and applauded, but I got the distinct impression that I was merely their "curiosity program" of the month, that none of them intended to give up the fantasy belief that Atlantis was off the coast of Cadiz.
Again, her newsletter arrived today. She had the following to report about a recent television program which I personally did not see and knew nothing about.
Of course. Ignatius Donnelly in Atlantis : The Antediluvian World mentioned all of these similarities. They are the cornerstone of modern Atlantology. RS]
From this statement, one can immediately note that this writer, as did Dr. Velikovsky, considers these occurrences as "random" events, such as an errant asteroid or comet. Thus, they are forced to discuss them in isolation from each other and thereby arrive at false conclusions. RS] Here we find that the Atlantic coast of modern Antarctica contains evidence of deglaciation, which is just what one might expect. It was the contention of Dr. Velikovsky that the previous North Polar Zone was centered between Greenland and Canada; thus, this is a Velikovskian idea. However, it is my thinking that the last North Pole actually was located a few hundred miles south of Greenland, more into the North Atlantic between Spain and Quebec. Nevertheless, the previous North Pole was located farther southwards into the Atlantic than today, in the direction of the former North Poles which were located in the Middle-South Atlantic Ocean and South Africa. RS]Black Sea. Finally, following the Polar Axis Shift of 1587 BCE, the level of the sea decreased and exposed the Temple of Serapis once again, now located at its current latitude.


These currently ice-free areas like South Africa where there is evidence of an "Ice Age" were merely under a different Polar Icecap at a different epoch of geological time. If you consult a world globe, you will have a better understanding of what I am saying.
If the cause of such Polar Axis Shifts is the periodic arrival, docking and tethering of the Planet Nibiru -- Hyperborea, The Cosmic Tree, The Night Sun -- then these catastrophes must repeat in cycles of 3,600 Earth Years, the length of one Nibiruan Year. The last one occurred in the year 1587 BCE, the traditional date for the Santorini Cataclysm and the Velikovskian date for the Exodus Catastrophe. The previous arrival occurred in the year 5187 BCE, which can be coordinated with the Floods of Noah, Utnapishtim and Deucalion.
And going back another 3,600 years prior to that takes us back to 8787 BCE for that arrival of the Planet Nibiru. Undoubtedly, the destruction of Atlantis, as recounted by Plato, coincided with that particular "crossing" of Nibiru, even though the calculated date here is not identical with Plato's generalization of the date of 9500 BCE. But since these catastrophes are not caused by any other known periodic cosmic body, the conclusion is not far-fetched that the Atlantis cataclysm coincided with the 8787 arrival of Nibiru; the date 8787 is closer in time to 9500 than would be another whole period of 3,600 more years.
Dr. Velikovsky, it must be noted, did not believe in Plato's literal date for the timeframe of Atlantis. He concluded that Plato meant 900 years, not 9,000 years, ago; and that the destruction of Santorini/Thera around 1600 BCE gave rise to the legend of Atlantis. This was picked up on later by Jacques Cousteau, and it has become the establishment retort to the antiquity date explicitly stated by Plato.
Assume that the North Pole was once located near Johannesburg, South Africa, and that the South Pole was located northeast of the Hawaiian Islands. This would completely reverse the north-south and east-west directions with respect to Egypt and the Great Pyramid. All of Africa would be a land mass stretching NORTH from Egypt towards the Johannesburg Pole, much like North America stretches northwards today to the Arctic.
The Pillars of Hercules, or Straits of Gibraltar, would have been east, not west, of Egypt and Greece (which itself would have been due-south not north of Egypt). And more importantly, the South Africa Polar Zone would not have obstructed maritime travel between the Mediterranean and the then-unfrozen Atlantis, which would have been located in the northern hemisphere at about the same latitudes as modern Australia is located south of the Equator, although twice as large as Australia. It would have had a wonderful Mediterranean-style climate and have been in total command of all the world's major sea routes. This was PRIOR to 8787 BCE!
Then Nibiru returned, and the Poles shifted. The North Pole shifted from South Africa out into the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, stretching from West Africa to northeastern Brazil, both regions of which contain evidence of an "Ice Age". As a result of this shift of the Polar Axis, there was now North Polar Ice spanning the Middle Atlantic Ocean, blocking all maritime traffic between the Mediterranean and Antarctica/Atlantis via the Pillars of Hercules. Atlantis disappeared or "sank beneath the sea". Contact between Egypt and Atlantis was severed permanently. Only the legend remained, to be handed down for thousands of years from priest to priest, until finally Plato recorded it for posterity.
With that introduction, here is the abstract from a lecture given by Flavio Barbiero at a June 1999 catastrophism conference at the University of Bergamo in Italy. Signor Barbiero lectured on the identification of Atlantis with Antarctica.
This abstract was included in the September 2000 edition (Volume V, Number 1) of "The Velikovskian" Journal published by Charles Ginenthal in Forest Hills, New York.




Texas, 16 October 2000
Plato's account of Atlantis in Timaeus and Critias is the original account of this "legend", although later writers like Diodorus Siculus gave details about Atlantis. Since there is no reason for Plato to have deliberately lied about this, most traditional historians simply consider Plato's tale to be allegorical in nature. But here, let us assume that it is true.
When was Atlantis destroyed and when did it "disappear beneath the sea"? Plato wrote about Solon's visit to Egypt in 500 BCE, and he said that Atlantis had sunk beneath the sea approximately 9,000 years previously, leading us back to 9500 BCE. Others "round it off" to 10,000 BCE.
What did Atlantis look like? It was a round island continent with a high mountain range in the center and with the world's largest natural harbor. Antarctica is a round island continent with a high mountain range in the center (the South Pole is at elevation 5,000 feet, something like that) and with the world's largest natural harbor (namely, the Ross Sea).
Where was Atlantis? The island continent was located at such a latitude on the planet to allow it to have a mild Mediterranean climate for most of the year, and it produced bountiful harvests of fruits and vegetables. If the Polar Axis were located in a different place, depending upon where Antarctica would be located, it could undoubtedly have had periods of excellent climate.
To reach Atlantis from Egypt, one had to sail out the Pillars of Hercules, that is, the Straits of Gibraltar. Note that the Suez Canal is a modern achievement; in bygone days, there was no maritime passage from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. To reach Antarctica from Egypt in days when there was no Suez Canal, one would have had to sail out the Straits of Gibraltar and head southwards across the modern Middle and South Atlantic Oceans, assuming that one's passage was not obstructed by Polar Ice.
Thus, these three crucial descriptive points that Plato made about Atlantis can lead us to the assumption that the unfrozen Antarctica, located at a Mediterranean-like northern latitude, was the legendary paradise of Atlantis. And this idea first occurred to me in 1973. Nothing that I have read or heard since then has contradicted this identification, and I'll continue to believe it for the duration, until absolutely proven wrong.
Through the years, however, I have noticed certain other writers who mention this most logical identification, but because of the "mystical antiquity" of the whole idea, most people don't pay much attention to any of it. It has become just another mythical bygone era of heroes and villains. And, for the record, it is not the place here to speculate about the "advanced technology" of Atlantis and its possible connections to Outer Space. Plato mentioned nothing about such advanced technology and space travel; those ideas were "channeled" later by people like Edgar Cayce -- and thus they do not belong in historical or scientific discussions of this nature.
My "
There is evidence of an "Ice Age" in South Africa and Hawaii. Traditional science assumes that the /current/ North and South Polar Ice Zones expanded towards the Equator; and traditionalists would conclude that the "Ice Age" in South Africa was a result of South Polar Expansion, and that of Hawaii of North Polar Expansion. There are all sorts of internal contradictions amongst the various establishment theories of so-called "Ice Ages";
These currently ice-free areas like South Africa where there is evidence of an "Ice Age" were merely under a different Polar Icecap at a different epoch of geological time. If you consult a world globe, you will have a better understanding of what I am saying.
If the cause of such Polar Axis Shifts is the periodic arrival, docking and tethering of the Planet Nibiru -- Hyperborea, The Cosmic Tree, The Night Sun -- then these catastrophes must repeat in cycles of 3,600 Earth Years, the length of one Nibiruan Year. The last one occurred in the year 1587 BCE, the traditional date for the Santorini Cataclysm and the Velikovskian date for the Exodus Catastrophe. The previous arrival occurred in the year 5187 BCE, which can be coordinated with the Floods of Noah, Utnapishtim and Deucalion.
And going back another 3,600 years prior to that takes us back to 8787 BCE for that arrival of the Planet Nibiru. Undoubtedly, the destruction of Atlantis, as recounted by Plato, coincided with that particular "crossing" of Nibiru, even though the calculated date here is not identical with Plato's generalization of the date of 9500 BCE. But since these catastrophes are not caused by any other known periodic cosmic body, the conclusion is not far-fetched that the Atlantis cataclysm coincided with the 8787 arrival of Nibiru; the date 8787 is closer in time to 9500 than would be another whole period of 3,600 more years.
Dr. Velikovsky, it must be noted, did not believe in Plato's literal date for the timeframe of Atlantis. He concluded that Plato meant 900 years, not 9,000 years, ago; and that the destruction of Santorini/Thera around 1600 BCE gave rise to the legend of Atlantis. This was picked up on later by Jacques Cousteau, and it has become the establishment retort to the antiquity date explicitly stated by Plato.
Assume that the North Pole was once located near Johannesburg, South Africa, and that the South Pole was located northeast of the Hawaiian Islands. This would completely reverse the north-south and east-west directions with respect to Egypt and the Great Pyramid. All of Africa would be a land mass stretching NORTH from Egypt towards the Johannesburg Pole, much like North America stretches northwards today to the Arctic.
The Pillars of Hercules, or Straits of Gibraltar, would have been east, not west, of Egypt and Greece (which itself would have been due-south not north of Egypt). And more importantly, the South Africa Polar Zone would not have obstructed maritime travel between the Mediterranean and the then-unfrozen Atlantis, which would have been located in the northern hemisphere at about the same latitudes as modern Australia is located south of the Equator, although twice as large as Australia. It would have had a wonderful Mediterranean-style climate and have been in total command of all the world's major sea routes. This was PRIOR to 8787 BCE!
Then Nibiru returned, and the Poles shifted. The North Pole shifted from South Africa out into the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, stretching from West Africa to northeastern Brazil, both regions of which contain evidence of an "Ice Age". As a result of this shift of the Polar Axis, there was now North Polar Ice spanning the Middle Atlantic Ocean, blocking all maritime traffic between the Mediterranean and Antarctica/Atlantis via the Pillars of Hercules. Atlantis disappeared or "sank beneath the sea". Contact between Egypt and Atlantis was severed permanently. Only the legend remained, to be handed down for thousands of years from priest to priest, until finally Plato recorded it for posterity.
With that introduction, here is the abstract from a lecture given by Flavio Barbiero at a June 1999 catastrophism conference at the University of Bergamo in Italy. Signor Barbiero lectured on the identification of Atlantis with Antarctica.
This abstract was included in the September 2000 edition (Volume V, Number 1) of "The Velikovskian" Journal published by Charles Ginenthal in Forest Hills, New York.DOOMSDAY, THEN & NOW.Theory Of Polar Axial Displacement" is complex in that there are so many details that have to be considered and coordinated. The following hypothesis is a summary of part, albeit a most important part, of the overall theory.Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky has adequately documented this.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Rituals of Freemasonry
Freemasonry Proven To Worship Satan
Its Symbols Venerate The Sex Act - Study of Symbols
Part 5 of 5
Pagans have worshipped animals, insects, birds, rivers, forests, trees, and many other things, but they all have one type of worship in common: they worship the sex act between man and woman. The worship both the man's penis and the woman's vulva.
In reading their explanations for these symbols, you should be amazed at the creativity they demonstrate in assigning sexual connotations to many of their symbols.
Freemasons do this very thing; however, they differ from the Satanist in that they hide much of the sexual content in many of their symbols.
If you will remember, Carl Claudy was quoted on a previous page, he says that Masonry has layers upon layers of meanings for the very same symbol, and you have to just keep digging until you get them all. Sexual connotations have been assigned to many of the symbols that are most commonly used in the Fraternity, and for which other, meanings [completely non-sexual] have been taught to the lower level Mason.

The letter "G" is displayed quite often in Masonic symbols. The initiate is told that this letter stands for "God" and for "Geometry," which the Supreme Architect of the Universe used to design the universe.
However, Arthur Waite, Occultist and 33rd Degree Mason quotes Eliphas Levi who is also a 33rd Degree, tells us that the letter "G" stands for Venus, and that Venus' symbol is a lingam, a stylized phallis. [Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi, 1909]
Albert Pike states within Morals and Dogma [page 631-32] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female. Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle."
The broken column is utilized by the Eastern Star and Freemasonry. It contains many levels of meanings. The initiate is told that the broken column signifies an early death.
The Mason learns later on that columns represent gods. [Joseph Fort Newton, The Builders: A Story and Study of Masonry,1914]
A different hidden meaning for the broken column is learned later on by the Mason.
"In Egyptian Mythology, Isis is sometimes pictured weeping over the broken column, which conceals the body of her husband, Osiris, while behind her stands Horus, or Time, pouring ambrosia over her hair."
Isis was both virgin and mother, so the 'beautiful virgin is Isis weeping. The broken column is the missing member of Osiris, the Phallus. [Short Talk Bulletin, "The Broken Column," Feb, 1956, p. 6-7; also Edmond Ronayne, The Master's Carpet 1879]
Horus is another name for Satan. Isis is the consort of Lucifer. Isis just lost her husband (Osiris), that is the reason why she is weeping. Osiris' body was dismembered, including his penis, which had been cut into many sections. Isis and Osiris were wrote about by Albert Pike, saying they were,
"the Active and Passive Principles of the Universe ... commonly symbolized by the generative parts of man and woman ..."
[Morals and Dogma, p. 401]
You must focus on the bottom of the broken column and not the top. The bottom of the column shows the phallic upright column inserted into the circular base, which is the symbol of the female vulva. The column is broken, of course, to symbolize the belief that Osiris' penis had been cut into many sections.
But Albert Mackey, 33 Degree Masonic author, states that the regular column is a phallus symbol.
"The Phallus was an imitation of the male generative organ. It was represented usually by a column, was was surrounded by a circle at the base."
[Mackey, A Manual of the Lodge, 1870. Mackey also stated this in The Symbolism of Freemasonry]

The point and the circle carries a sexual connotation. Another Masonic author states that this symbol is used in Sun Worship, and then says:
"The female principle, symbolized by the moon, assumed the form of a lunette [small circular opening], or crescent, while the male principle, symbolized by the sun, assumed the form of the lingam [Phallus] and placed himself erect in the center of the lunette, like the mast of a ship."
["Point Within A Circle," Short Talk Bulletin , August, 1931, Masonic Bulletin designed to read within the Lodges, p. 4]

The circle is commonly used to depict the female sexual organ. Satanists love to use the "Eight-Step Path of Enlightenment." (left) They believe a person needs to go through eight separate steps to become fully enlightened spiritually. The final step which is the eighth step, is the Sex Act. Notice that the very center of this symbol is a very small circle. This symbol is the ultimate female sexual representation.
Probably the most famous of all obelisks in the world, is the Washington Monument. It is believed that the spirit of the Egyptian Sun God, Ra, resides within the obelisk, and they pray to it three times daily, if possible, and facing East.
The obelisk is the most recognized of all phallic symbols.
The sex act between male and female is represented by an obelisk within a circle. The Washington Monument sits within a circle. Freemasonry planned, designed, and created the Washington Monument. The obelisk is greatly revered in Masonry, as a quick tour of any cemetery in New England will tell you.
You can tell which graves are Masonic by the obelisks as their headstone.
Masonic author, R.H. MacKenzie, states that,
"among Egyptians, the base [of the triangle] represented Osiris, or the Male Principle; the perpendicular, Isis, or the Female Principle; and the hypotenuse, Horus, their son ..."
[Kenneth R.H. MacKenzie, The Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia of History, Rites, Symbolism, and Biography, 1877]
Thus, you can see that the hypotenuse was conceived as a result of the sexual union of the base and the perpendicular. Within Masonic symbolism, the sex act is portrayed as the union of the perpendicular and the base.
We have pictured the triangle, above, with the symbol of the Tau within. Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer typifies Masonic symbolism of the Tau when he states,
"The Phallus, or Lingam, and the Yoni, the male and female emblems of generation, are found in the triangle and the tau."
[Clymer, The Mysteries of Osiris or Ancient Egyptian Initiation, 1951]
Masonic author, Albert Mackey, tells us of the sexual connotation of this hexagram.
"The triangle pointing downward is a female symbol corresponding to the yoni and the upward pointing triangle is the male, the lingam ... When the two triangles are interlaced, it represents the union of the active and passive forces in nature; it represents the male and female elements."
[Mackey, The Symbolism of Freemasonry, 1869; also Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 1871; also Wes Cook, Editor, Did You Know? Vignettes in Masonry from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine, Missouri Lodge For Research, 1965, p. 132]
To the Mason, the interlacing triangles of the hexagram depict sexual intercourse.
Yin and Yang is one of the most commonly used symbols today, including logos of many organizations and companies.
"Yin and yang are considered to be opposites. Yin represents eternity, dark, feminine, left side of the body, etc. Yang is its opposite, and represents history, light, masculine, right side of the body, etc."
[Philip G. Zimbardo and Floyd L. Ruch, Psychology and Life, 1977]
"Yang is male, positive, and represented by the Sun. Yin is female, negative, and represented by the moon."
[Paul E. Desautels, The Gem Kingdom , p. 237.]
The symbol itself dates back at least to the fourth century, B.C., and has been identified with the Eastern philosophical religions of Confucianism, Buddhim, and Taoism. In the Western world, it has long been adopted into the symbolism of myth, magic, astrology and witchcraft."
[Claire Chambers, The SIECUS Circle: A Humanist Revolution , 1977, p. v]
"Another ancient magical sign called the yin-and-yang first appeared sometime before the 3rd century, B.C., in China. This emblem became the favorite of SORCERERS and mystics throughout the Orient because it, too, embodies so many possible meanings."
[Gary Jennings, Black Magic, White Magic, 1964]
Does Freemasonry adopt and use the symbolism of Yin/Yang? Indeed, they do, but in a way as to hide the meaning form the "profane." Listen to Albert Pike.
The black and white pavement symbolizes,
"the Good and Evil, principles of the Egyptian and Persian creed. It is the warfare of Michael and Satan ... light and shadow, which is darkness; Day and Night, Freedom and Despotism ...
[Morals and Dogma , p. 14]

"Masons also use the two triangles to represent this idea of opposites. In Short Talk Bulletin, a pamphlet which is to be read in the Lodges, we are told that the triangles are symbolic of good and evil, day and night, the Chinese Yang and Yin ..."
[Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, quoting Masonic publication, Short Talk Bulletin, "The Significant Numbers," September, 1956, Vol. 34, No. 9, p. 5; also Wes Cook, Did You Know? Vignettes In Masonry from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine, Missouri Lodge of Research, 1965, p. 34]
I had always wondered about the distinctive black and white squares on Masonic floors, as depicted on Washington's apron, above. Now we know they represent the concept of Yin and Yang, the "favorite of sorcerers." Masons also use two triangles joined together to represent Yin and Yang. Therefore, their depiction of the Hexagram also depicts Yin and Yang. We have described the sexual connotation to the Mason of the Hexagram, above.
However, Masonry also teaches about the Yin and Yang symbol.
"Thus the monad [#1] and the duad [#2] were the phallus and kteis of the Greeks, the lingam and yoni of the Hindoos (sic) ... and the Yang and Yin of the Chinese ..."
[George Oliver, The Historical Landmarks and Other Evidences of Freemasonry, 1855]
The Yin and Yang symbol is also used to represent bisexuality and homosexuality within today's New Age Movement. It is also used to depict Divination. [Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, p. 19-22] Do not be deceived: Freemasonry depicts Yin and Yang a little differently than a traditional New Age, or occultist, or Satanist. They use the hexagram and the black and white tile floors; but, their belief in Yin and Yang is identical to the Satanist Mysteries.

But, why should we be surprised, for Albert Pike told us that Freemasonry is "identical to the Mysteries."

Masonic authors boldly state that the symbolism of the traditional square and compass of Freemasonry represents the heterosexual sex act. Listen to Albert Pike explaining this fact to members of the 32nd Degree.
"The Compass, therefore, is the Hermetic Symbol of the Creative Deity, and the Square of the productive Earth or Universe."
[Morals and Dogma , p. 850-1].
Therefore, the Masons look at the compass as the male phallus and the square as the female vulva. As you look at the Masonic Emblem here, you can see the obvious penetration of the female square point by the points of the Compass. One point of difference here is that the Satanist generally reverses the sex roles of the Compass and the Square.

However, whichever way you look at it, the Compass and the Square are thought of as depicting the heterosexual sex act.

Before we leave the subject of the Masonic Emblem of the Square and Compass, I want to show you a particularly evil symbol depicting the Square and Compass.
This scene depicts several unmistakable Satanic images, tied in with the Masonic Emblem, also known as the Square and Compass.

First, note the hexagram to the far left of the picture. Remember, the hexagram is the most evil of all Black Magick symbols. Witches have used it for years to cast curses on people; many people in the past few thousand years have died by having a hex placed on them. Second, notice the Sun over head in this picture. Just as the Egyptians did in the days when God cursed them and their religion, Freemasons worship the Sun in general and the Egyptian Sun God, Ra, particularly.

Finally, note that the sharp end of the square is driving deeply into the Holy Bible beneath. As Christian author, Ralph Epperson proves in his book, Masonry: Conspiracy Against Christianity, the #1 top secret of Masonry is not that they worship Satan/Lucifer; rather, the #1 secret of Freemasonry is that they plan to eradicate Christianity in complete fulfillment of End Time prophecies!

This symbol captures this goal perfectly.

"The lodge is a representation of King Solomon's Temple and the Temple was calculated to symbolize the maternal human body, wherein the candidate must enter to be born again . The uterus and vagina represent the porch of the Temple, the pillars of the porch represent the fallopian tubes, the network, the broad ligament with its accompanying blood vessels ... and the pomegranate, the ovary and its exuberant seeds, the ova cells."
[Rollin C. Blackmer, The Lodge and the Craft: A Practical Explanation of the Work of Freemasonry, 1923]

Satanists have always equated the flaming torch as a symbol of Lucifer.
"Lucifer, having regained his star and his diadem, will assemble his legions for new works of creation. Attracted by his flaming torch, celestial spirits will descend ... and he will send these messengers from unknown spheres to earth. Then, the torch of Lucifer will signal 'From Heaven to Earth!' -- and the (New Age) Christ will answer, 'From Earth to Heaven'."
[Edourd Schure, quoted by Texe Marrs, Mystery Mark of the New Age, p. 240]
This explanation of the symbolism of the torch is the Luciferian belief that, at the Battle of Armageddon, Lucifer and his forces will defeat Jesus Christ and then conquer Heaven. Thus, the Torch signifies the belief that Lucifer will ultimately defeat Jesus Christ.
Masonic author, Manley P. Hall, 33 Degree Mason, states that,
"the torches represent the occult arts and sciences, the doctrines and dogmas by the light of which Truth is made visible."
[Hall, Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians to Which Is Added an Interpretation of the Crata Repoa Initiation Rite, The Philosophers Press, 1937]
We also find it highly interesting that one of the Masonic publishing houses is called The Torch Press.
We also know from history that the Statue of Liberty was given to us by Illuminist French Freemasons in 1876.
"Towering above the shimmering but polluted waters, she holds in her outreached arm and hand a torch of fire and light. A gift of the Masonic Order, the modern inheritors of the Illuminati heritage, the Statue of Liberty was sculptured by Frederic Bartholdi, a member of the Masonic Lodge of Alsace-Lorraine in Paris, France. The statue is significant to the secret societies plotting the New World order."
[Texe Marrs, Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light, p. 212]
Note that our symbol of the Statue of Liberty was the actual terra cota model constructed in 1870 by the Masonic sculptor.
In Satanism, virtually any perpendicular symbol is the phallus , so the torch certainly qualifies; indeed, one might wonder, from the explanation given, above, that the torch is Lucifer's phallus, if the occultist really believes the torch is a symbol of the god. The goddess holding the torch would provide a good female symbol.

Thus, the Freemason depicts the sex act every single day of every year, in New York harbor.

"The gavel is an important Masonic and Eastern Star symbol."
[Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols , p326]
The first thing I noticed about the symbol of the gavels is that they were always depicted upside down. I would have thought they would have been depicted with the head of the gavel at the top. However, we are not thinking like a pagan, who worships sex in all forms, and never lets an opportunity slip by him to depict the great sex act.
Masonic author, George Oliver, says that in ancient times, the gavel referred to the hammer of the God Thor. [Oliver, Signs and Symbols, 1906]. We know that Thor is an ancient pagan god, one whom Freemasons worship. In fact, Thor is part of the pagan Trinity in Scandinavia [Pike, Morals and Dogma; also W.L. Wilmshurst, The Masonic Initiation, 1980]
However, Albert Pike makes identification of Thor very easy for us, as he states, on page 15 of Morals and Dogma, that Thor is another name for Sirius, the Blazing Star or the Pentagram. Now you can see why this Masonic Web Site depicted three different types of gavels in the familiar pentagram, above right.

However, on page 381, Pike also tells us that Thor WAS the Sun, the Egyptian Osiris, and Kneph, the Phoenician Bel or Baal. The Bible tells us that worshipping Baal is identical to worshipping the Devil. God condemned Baal worship, slaughtered the priests of Baal, and finally abolished it altogether in Israel. Yet, here, Freemasonry boldly states that they revere him.
But, let us get back to the subject at hand, i.e., sexual connotations of Masonic symbols. Masonic author, J.S.M. Ward states,
"Thus we see that the hammer or gavel, and the Tau, were originally the same, and this is a natural evolution of symbols, for the Tau Cross is evolved from the Phallus, and that is the symbol of God the Creator ..."
[Ward, Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods, 1921]

"But this is not the only place where the tau cross occurs. The ... gavels are all T-crosses, and combine in one symbol the hammer, the sign of the rule, and the T-cross, the symbol of the male or creative side of the Deity; and, lest there should be any mistake, the T is placed on the apron of the Master of the Lodge, though placed upside down so as to give the symbol of the square, and also to emphasize its phallic meaning."
When we were discussing the Triangle and the Hexagram, above, we displayed a Tau Cross [T-Cross] within a triangle and circle. The Tau-Cross was originally created to worship the Babylonian god, Tammuz.

Masonic author, George Oliver states,
"It is remarkable that in all the ancient systems of mythology, the Great Father, or the Male Generative Principle [Phallus] was uniformly symbolized by a point within a circle. This emblem was placed by the Scandinavian priests and poets on the central summit of a rainbow, which was fabled to be a bridge leading from earth [Female Vulva] to heaven [Great Father's Phallus]."
[Oliver, Signs and Symbols; also R. Swinburne, The Mysteries of Osiris or Ancient Egyptian Initiation]
"In the ancient Jewish Kabbala... mystical rabbis taught that the rainbow symbolized a sexual rite. The bow of the rainbow was supposedly the phallus of the male god which descended into the kingdom of the womb, the queen or goddess. The union was said to create immense divine powers."
[Texe Marrs, Mystery Mark of the New Age]

Most Christians would have no trouble accepting the Cross and the Crown symbol here. However, Freemasons have just a little bit more on their minds than this; they have a whole lot of sex on their brains.
In the Masonic Report, we make this discovery: Question: What does Masonry's emblem of the 'Cross and Crown' actually symbolize?" Answer:
"The 'Cross' of Freemasonry is a philosophical cross, according to Albert Pike, 'Morals and Dogma', p. 771. It is philosophical in the sense that it represents the generating fecundating principle by the perpendicular shaft [Phallus], and the matrix of womb of nature, the female producing principle [Female Vulva], by the horizontal shaft. The philosophy of the Masonic cross is totally phallic. The 'Crown' of this Masonic emblem is also phallic, it being the first emanation of the Cabalistic Sephiroth ..."
[C.F. McQuaig, The Masonic Report, 1976]
Masons have taken the Cross of Jesus and turned it into a phallic symbol.
One side issue that this quote settles is that this official Masonic publication, printed in contemporary times, 1976, quotes Albert Pike as an authority. We have had many emails from Masons claiming that Albert Pike had been discredited by contemporary Masonry, and even some email suggesting that a "rogue" Albert Pike wrote Morals and Dogma and Magnum Opus.
We can now see that this is simply a lie designed to try to confuse.
"In fact, the respect paid by Freemasons to this number [#3] goes far to suggest that our mysteries have affinities not only with the Egyptian rites and ceremonies, but with those of a good many other nations."
[John T. Lawrence, The Perfect Ashlar, 1912]


Rituals of Freemasonry
Freemasonry Proven To Worship Satan
As It Adores And Worships The Serpent
Part 4 of 5
The Serpent is a very important symbol within both Freemasonry and Christianity.
IT was also important in ancient civilizations. It shouldn't be a shock to you to learn that Freemasonry worships the Serpent. Most pagan groups have done this for the past 5,000 years. Remember the Serpent in Eden?
Albert Pike speaks greatly about the importance of the worship of the serpent in Morals & Dogma in the various pagan mysteries' religions of antiquity.
You will recall that on another page Pike was quoted saying that, "Masonry is identical to the ancient Mysteries," which means that all their teachings in all their books are precisely the same as the Ancient, Pagan Mysteries.
"The serpent entwined around the egg, was a symbol common to the Indians, the Egyptians, and the Druids. It referred to the creation of the Universe."
[p. 496; teaching of the 25 Degree, Knight of the Brazen Serpent ]
Freemasonry does not believe that the Universe was created by the God of the Bible. This statement really supports that concept, as it dogmatically states that the serpent entwined around the egg is a symbol of the creation of the universe.
Freemasonry idolizes the Druids. Pike not only mentions the Druids in this sentence, but other Masonic authors are even bolder in their admission that Freemasonry venerates them because their Mysteries' Religion is identical to the Druids:
"... our mode of teaching the principles of our profession [Masonry] is derived from the Druids ... and our chief emblems originally came from Egypt ..."
[William Hutchinson, Mason, The Spirit of Masonry, revised by George Oliver, New York, Bell Publishing, originally published in 1775, p. 195]
Another Masonic writer (Albert Churchward), states that Masons are "our present Druids." [Albert Churchward, Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man: the Evolution of Religious Doctrine from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians, 1913]
Another Masonic author, George Oliver, also noted Freemasonry's connection with the Druids.
"The Druids had a high veneration for the Serpent. Their great god, Hu, was typified by that reptile; and he is represented by the Bards as 'the wonderful chief Dragon, the sovereign of heaven'."
[George Oliver, Signs and Symbols, 1906]
When Masonic authors Pike, Hutchinson, Churchward, and Oliver identify Masonry as coming from the Druid religion, this admission is extremely damning.
"Masons .. admire the Druids and some of them even claim that Masonry came from Druidism. Of course, the Druids were occultic priests, practiced astrology, and offered human sacrifices."
[Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, p. 28]
Albert Pike then reveals that other Mysteries' Religions throughout the globe and at different times also worshipped the serpent, in various ways. For example: [quotes below taken from Morals and Dogma]
1) "The Phoenicians represented the God Nomu (Kneph or Amun-Kneph) by a serpent"
2) "In Egypt, a Sun supported by two asps was the emblem of Horhat the good genius; the serpent with the winged globe was placed over the doors and windows of the Temples as a tutelary God." [The word, "tutelary" means "guardian"]
3) In ancient Tyre, and India, "a serpent was ... coiled around the trunk of a tree. Python, the Serpent Deity, was esteemed oracular; and the tripod at Delphi was a triple-headed serpent of gold."
4) "The portals of the Egyptian Temples are decorated with the hierogram of the Circle and the Serpent"
5) The serpent,
"is found upon the Temple of Naki-Rustan in Persia, on the triumphal arch at Pechin, in China, over the gates of the great Temple of Chaundi Teeva, in Java; upon the walls of Athens ... The Mexican hierogram was formed by the intersecting of two great Serpents, which described the circle with their bodies, and each a human head in its mouth."
While we may think it abhorrent for a snake to be swallowing a human, we discover that the Satanist had a different point of view.

A Satanic book of symbols, entitled, Magic Symbols , says that a snake swallowing a human being symbolizes,
"the process of initiation. When a man has prepared himself as to achieve insight into the nature of the spiritual realm, then he is said to be an initiate. A true initiate is one who has been given, or who has earned, such wisdom as permits him to look on such a brilliant influx of spiritual light ... without damaging his vision."
As a man is invited to go up the degrees, he is told more and more things, until finally, about the 28th Degree, he realizes he is worshipping Lucifer, the good god. He has been mightily prepared for this revelation, so he can "look on such a brilliant influx of spiritual light without damaging his vision!"
6) "All the Buddhist crosses in Ireland had serpents carved upon them. Wreaths of snakes are on the columns of the ancient Hindu Temple at Burwah-Sangor."
"Among the Egyptians, it was a symbol of Divine Wisdom, when extended at length; and with its tail in its mouth, of Eternity."
All the pagans in every era have used the serpent to worship and to consider as symbolic of Wisdom. A Satanic book of symbols, entitled, Magic Symbols, says,
"... we shall see the deeper implications of the serpent as a symbol of wisdom ..."
This figure (below), is identified as being one used in the practice of Alchemy, an art normally thought of as attempting to turn base metals into gold, but which also has a spiritual objective of achieving eternal life.

By the way, this symbol of the snake devouring its own tail is called "Ouroboros."
This symbol is also called, "Ouroboros," but its meaning is deeper.
"This snake, sometimes called the Ouroboros, is a symbol of Time, from which alone Wisdom springs. The snake encircles the two symbols of the extremes of created life -- the child and the death-symbol of the skull.
Between them, the child and skull are intended to symbolize the 'beginning and then end.' As a whole, the emblem may be interpreted as meaning, 'In the end, is my beginning', or 'The End is Found in the Beginning', which is approximately what the Latin around the circle means."
Magic Symbols, Ibid.
The pagan belief in Reincarnation is spoken of within these statements.
This second Ouroboros depicts the whole world being surrounded and controlled by the Serpent. This is the way the Satanist views the entire created world.
Freemasonry shares the belief in the serpent symbolizing time, as the second Ouroboros indicates. Listen to Pike explain this briefly but clearly.
"A serpent-ring was a well-known symbol of time."
Ibid., p. 497
As Pike is explaining the Mason's spiritual belief about the serpent, he mentions the Zodiac, bees and honey. Listen.
"The Virgin of the zodiac is bitten in the heel by Serpens, who, with Scorpio, rises immediately behind her; and as honey, the emblem of purity and salvation, was thought to be an antidote to the serpent's bite, so the bees of Aristaeus, the emblems of nature's abundance, are destroyed through the agency of the serpent, and regenerated within the entrails of the Vernal Bull. The Sun-God is finally victorious."
Note that Masonry also identifies itself with the pagans who divine the future by studying the entrails of a bull.
YoU consistently see the symbol of the bees and their beehive throughout Freemasonry.
The July, 1998, issue of The Scottish Rite Journal states that the eagle was also a symbol of regeneration and rebirth. [Jim Tresner, 33 Degree, "Wings of the Eagle, Wings On Our Feet," Scottish Rite Journal, July, 1998, p. 7.]

But, another Masonic writer returned back to the symbolism of the snake as regeneration, or reincarnation. [Herbert F. Inman, Masonic Problems and Queries, London, England, A. Lewis, Ltd., 1987, p. 210. Also stated by Charles G. Berger, Our Phallic Heritage , New York, Greenwich Book Publishers, Inc., p. 204.]
In fact, listen to how the book, A Dictionary of Symbols, explains the importance of the snake.
"Snakes are guardians of the springs of life and of immortality, and also of those superior riches of the spirit that are symbolized by hidden treasure ... the serpent is the life-force which determines birth and rebirth and hence it is connected with the Wheel of Life ..."
[Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols , p. 286-288]
Albert Pike gives us the explanation for these two Masonic columns, both of which depict a serpent.
"Serpents encircling rings and globes, and issuing from globes, are common in the Persian, Egyptian, Chinese, and Indian monuments. Vishnu is represented reposing on a coiled serpent, whose folds form a canopy over him."
[Pike, Morals and Dogma, teachings of the 25th Degree, Knight of the Brazen Serpent , p. 500]
Notice that the column on the left not only has a serpent encircling a globe, but notice also that the globe itself has wings.

Another source quotes H.G. Wells as saying that the winged globe is,
"to become the symbol of the New World Order when it overtly rules the world."
[Fritz Springmeier, The Watchtower and the Masons , Portland, Oregon, 1992, p. xi]
That means the Masonic column on the left depicts the symbol of the final Kingdom of Antichrist, his New World Order.
You see again that we have a strong connection between Freemasonry and the coming Kingdom of Antichrist.

On the right is the Masonic Apron. You will note the All-Seeing Eye on the left upper corner, the Sun worship symbol in the right upper corner, and the beehive with bees toward the bottom, all very typical Masonic and Satanic symbols.

But, note the centerpiece symbol, with the Death's Head in the middle of the Masonic Emblem of the Compass and Square. Notice that this symbol is surrounded by an Ouroboros, the snake eating its own tail. Further, notice that two sprigs of evergreen bough are below the Compass and Square; the Satanist uses the evergreen to depict eternal life.
But, now, let us listen to two Masonic authors shed even more light on this subject:
"The Serpent is universally esteemed a legitimate symbol of Freemasonry."
[George Oliver, Signs and Symbols , New York, 1906]
Now at least we know the truth about Freemasonry! Its "legitimate symbol" is the serpent, and note the capitalization of serpent, above, denoting Deity.
"The serpent is the symbol and prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil."
[Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree Mason, The Secret Teachings of All Ages , the Philosophical Research Society Press, p. lxxxviii.]
"It is the body of the Holy Spirit, the Universal Agent, the Serpent devouring its own tail."
[Morals and Dogma, teachings of the 28th Degree, Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept]


Rituals of Freemasonry
Freemasonry Proven To Worship Lucifer
Part 3 of 5
Once you understand what is going on in the world you can then recognize evidences of Satanism in so many, many places.
It was proven from Masonic books that Masons worship both Lucifer and Satan. They serve both the "good" Lucifer and the "evil" Satan. They believe that both good and evil exist in equal measure in the world.
They also believe good cannot exist without an equally powerful evil.
This belief is the reason we see both type of 5-pointed stars within Masonry; the star with the upright single point is a symbol of the "good" Lucifer, while the star with the two points upward is a symbol of the "evil" Satan. It also takes 33 degrees of rotation of a pentagram (one point up) to achieve a Satanic pentagram (two points up). Coincidence?
I don't think so.
The women's division of Freemasonry, Eastern Star (above right) is based upon the "evil Satan" Star, the Goats Head of Mendes. This is one of the Infernal Names of Satan within Satanism.
In looking at the Eastern Star Goatshead (above right), the star itself is a Goatshead, and the star in the middle is a plain Goatshead, which is within an inverted pentacle. In one symbol there are three instances of inverted pentagrams.
So, just how important is the Pentagram to the Satanist? Listen to the Witch of Salem, Massachusetts, Laura Cabot, on this question. In her book, Power of the Witch: The Earth, the Moon, and the Magical Path to Enlightenment, Cabot says,
"It really isn't that difficult to distinguish the Craft from Satanism. Witches wear the pentacle with the point up. Satanists reverse it with the point down ..."
Once we examine the two symbols above, both Masonic, we can only conclude that Freemasonry admittedly serves both the "good Lucifer" and the "evil Satan!"
Cabot has more to say on page 93, about the significance of the Pentagram to witchcraft.
"It [Pentagram] consists of a five-pointed star inside a circle. It is the key symbol of the Craft. It is the witch's Mandala ...."
The Pentagram, inside a circle or with no circle, is the key symbol of witchcraft. Both "good" and "evil" pentagrams are within Freemasonry in abundance.

The Triangle wasn't the first subject mentioned on this page because the Pentagram is far more important to their practice of Witchcraft.
The triangle is part and parcel of the Pentagram. The triangle plays a big part within the Hexagram as well.

To the occultist, the triangle is very important. It is used constantly in every conceivable manner. It is used either with the point up or down.
When you see the point down, this represents the Deity and is called the Deity's Triangle or the Water Triangle.
The Earthly Triangle or Pyramid Triangle is what it is called when one point is up. It "symbolizes the PERFECT OR DIVINE MAN." This quote is not from some heinous Black-hooded Satanist, it comes from a 33rd Degree Masonic author named George Steinmetz [Freemasonry: Its Hidden Meaning , New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1948, p. 63, repeated on p. 67]
Freemasonry joins all pagan groups in saying that man can become "divine" or "perfect." In another book, George returns to this theme once again:
"Be still -- and know -- that I am God ... That I AM GOD -- the final recognition of the All in All, the unity of the Self with the Cosmos -- the cognition of the DIVINITY OF THE SELF!"
[George H. Steinmetz, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Richmond, Virginia, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1923, p. 92]
Freemasonry has been so sensitive about any of its secrets ever becoming public knowledge. Masons in every age knew that if the general public knew the Satanic core that existed in the heart of Freemasonry, the organization would either go into oblivion or would be arrested and put in jail. Now you know why Freemasonry insists that its Initiates pledge that, if they divulge any of Masonry's secrets, he would agree to having his throat slit and be disemboweled.
Manly P. Hall, another 33rd Degree Mason, writes,
"Man is a God in the making ..."
[The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 92]
Masonic author, Joseph Fort Newton, clearly and boldly states,
".. to the profoundest insight of the human soul -- that God becomes man that man may become God."
[The Religion of Freemasonry: An Interpretation, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1969, p. 37]
Albert Churchward, another Masonic author states that the triangle pointing upward us a symbol for Set, which is one of the Infernal Names for Satan. [Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man , George Allen and Company, Ltd., 1913, p. 189, 309, and 471]. Then, Masonic author, J.S.M. Ward states,
"With the point upwards, the equilateral triangle stands for Shiva the Destroyer and signifies the flame which rises upwards from the funeral pyre toward Heaven. This symbol is familiar to us in several degrees, most notably the Thirtieth degree."
[Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods, 1921; also reported by Masonic authors William Meyer, The Order of the Eastern Star, p. 20; Alain Danielou, The Gods of India]
Shiva is another name for Satan in the occult. The triangle with one point pointing up is a symbol for Satan. Most likely this is the reason why the pyramid is such an important symbol to the Mason. This is the symbol on the reverse of the one dollar bill. This symbol contains two triangles: the Pyramid itself and the All-Seeing Eye of Horus (Osiris).
Occultists know that both Horus and Osiris are alternate names for Satan. There is one more proof from Masonic authors, that Satan is the one they worship.
Masonic authors tell us that they worship Lucifer in yet another way. Lynn Perkins (a Masonic Author), states that
"Shamballa has a bearing on the ancient origins of Freemasonry and upon its future in the coming Aquarian Age ..."
[Masonry In The New Age, p. 56]
Then, on pages 55-56, Perkins says that today's Mason has no idea that Freemasonry comes from such an ancient, esoteric source. Most Masons today understand that the roots of their organization are in Satanism. When Perkins said that Freemasonry had its origins in Shamballa, he just identified Masonry as Satanic.

Alice Bailey, with her Demon Master - Master D.K. - writing through her, stated that
"Shamballa is the mythological place where the 'Lord of the World', Sanat Kumara, or Shiva , is supposed to live."
[Discipleship in the New Age].
Masonic author, Perkins, has just admitted that Freemasonry originated in the place where Shiva (Satan) lives.

Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Mason, K.T., in his book, Initiates of the Flame boldly admits Freemasonry is from Hell:
"Those who follow the path of faith (or the heart) use water and are known as the Sons of Seth, while those who follow the path of the mind and action are the Sons of Cain, who was the son of SAMAEL , the Spirit of Fire. Today, we find the latter among the alchemists, the Hermetic philosophers, the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons."
[p. 20]
Hall places Freemasonry among the circle of the damned -- Sons of Cain , who rebelled against God; alchemists who are known sorcerers, Black Magicians, and worshippers of Satan, and the Rosicrucians who have so desecrated the precious cross of Jesus Christ with Pentagrams and Hexagrams as to make you sick.
Hall's major revelation was that Freemasonry is the son of SAMAEL. being careful not to confuse Samael with the beloved prophet Samuel. SAMAEL is one of the Infernal Names of Satan. In fact, House of Theosophy author, writing under the influence of her demon possessing her -- Master D.K. -- identifies SAMAEL as Satan! [The Secret Doctrine] In fact, Satanists have a symbol of SAMAEL.
The pentagram on the left with the one point up represents the Divine Man specifically and Lucifer the good god generally; the pentagram on the right with two stars up and the goats head is called the Goats Head of Mendes by most Satanists, but Black Magick Satanists call him SAMAEL.


Rituals of Freemasonry
Freemasonry - The Worship of Lucifer, SATAN
Part 2 of 5
This page concentrates on Masonic symbols. Occultists put an enormous emphasis on communicating through symbols with other members while hiding the truth from the Initiates and the "profane," i.e., people who are not members.
"Magic Symbols," by Fredrick Goodman states that "The true magic symbol is an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form which most people think they can understand immediately." [p. 6]
Examining these Masonic symbols reveals the cunningly hidden meanings. Then compare them with known Satanic symbols so you can easily see from whence Freemasonry receives her "supernatural insights" and her "spiritual Light."

The double-headed eagle is probably the most easily recognizable Masonic symbol in the world, even more important than the Square and Compass/Rule.
They look like two eagles, but they are not. They are the Phoenix Bird of Ancient Egypt. Remember that the Brotherhood was known in ancient Egypt as, "The Mystery Schools."
The current Presidential Seal has an eagle in it. The eagle replaced the Phoenix (the original national bird) in 1841 as the national bird. The Phoenix has been a Brotherhood symbol since ancient Egypt. The Phoenix was adopted by the Founding Fathers for use on the reverse of the first official seal of the United States after a design proposed by Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress.
Listen to the explanation from Masonic author, Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, K.T., in his book, The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy . [Before we begin, I find it highly interesting that Hall would admit, by his use of this title, that Freemasonry is occultic].
"Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers ... in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color ...

The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection ... The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn. Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again."
[p. p. 176-77]
Freemasons like all occultists, refer to their initiates who have completed their initiation, as being "Born Again." In 1988, when George Bush was on the Presidential Campaign Trail; Barbara Walters interviewed him. She asked him a question that caught him off guard. Barbara asked George if he was a Christian.

Bush literally stumbled, looked down for a moment, and answered,
"If by being a Christian, you ask if I am 'Born Again,' then yes, I am a Christian."
Bush parsed his words carefully, unlike a Born Again Christian. Bush has a lifetime membership in an Illuminist Masonic secret society called, Skull & Bones. The answer that Bush gave is typical of an occultist. They claim to be Born Again. They are also filled with religious ecstasy when the spirit of Lucifer sweeps through them upon Initiation.
Back to the Phoenix Bird. Listen to the explanation given by a radical feminist, Barbara Walker, in her occult book, Now Is The Dawning , p. 281. Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a god who "rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth ..."
Wow! In one sweet, short, and simple sentence, we have conclusive proof that the Phoenix bird is a symbol of Lucifer !
Listen now to the testimony of another former witch, William Schnoebelen, in his book, Satan's Door Revisited , p. 4.
"The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt ... This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who ... will one day rise triumphant. This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic 'Christ'."
To prevent most people from associating the Masonic Eagle with the ancient Phoenix, Freemasons changed the Phoenix to an Eagle, and began to refer to it as an Eagle. However, two Masonic authors blow the lid off that change in symbolism.
Manly P. Hall, in his book, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry , states,
"These were the immortals to whom the term 'phoenix' was applied, and their symbol was the mysterious two-headed bird, now called an eagle , a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem ."
Albert Pike, in Magnum Opus, writes,
"... the Eagle was the living Symbol of Egyptian God Mendes ... and the representative of the Sun ..." [p. xviii]
In one sentence, we see the admission that the Phoenix Bird of Ancient Egypt was changed into the Masonic Eagle and then Pike admits that the Eagle is the Symbol of the Sun God and of the God of Mendes, both symbols being common Satanic symbols of Satan/Lucifer !
Remember also the Satanic meaning of the phrase depicted below the eagle the two Eagles -- "DEUS MEUMQUE JUS." As explained in Part 1 of 5 this is a typical Satanic Latin phrase, meaning,
"... Masons are saying that they are 'using occult methods,' through Lucifer, to achieve their Rights and Justice."
But why would a two-headed Eagle be adopted by Masonry, instead of a one-headed Eagle? Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer, writing in The Mysteries of Osiris , 1951, explains.
"When they [pagans] desired to express the renewal, or beginning, of the year, they represented it in the form of a door-keeper. It could easily be distinguished by the attributes of a key ... At times, they gave it two heads, back to back ... In time, this [back-to-back key symbol] became the double-headed Eagle of symbolic Masonry."
[p. 42]

One of the most utilized occultic symbols is the triangle. A triangle with its point downward represents the deity and is called the Deity's Triangle, or the Water Triangle. With one point up, it is called the Earthly Triangle, Pyramid Triangle, or the Fire Triangle. These two definitions of the triangle are standard occult belief. They came from a Masonic book, Symbolism of the Eastern Star, by Shirley Plessner. Robert Macoy said the same thing in Adoptive Rite Ritual , [Virginia: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply co., 1897, p. 237].
However, this latter representation of the triangle, with the point upward, is the symbol of the Perfect or Divine Man.
Notice this occult symbol portrays "Perfect Man and Woman" within a circle, which is within a square [representing creation], which is within a triangle [godhood], which is surrounded by the largest circle. Notice that the triangle here is with its point upward, signifying the Divinity of Man.
Another Masonic writer who stated that Man can become Perfected or Divine is George H. Steinmetz, writing in, Freemasonry: Its Hidden Meaning. Also, Steinmetz wrote this belief in his book, The Lost Word: Its Hidden Meaning.
Another Masonic writer, J.D. Buck, writes,
"It is far more important that men should strive to become Christ's than that they should believe that Jesus was Christ." [J.D. Buck, Mystic Masonry]
Going back to the Triangle pointing upward which represents the Perfect or Divine Man; Masonic writer Albert Churchward states standard occult belief when he further identifies the Upright Triangle. With the point up Churchward writes that this triangle represents Set. "Set" is one of the Infernal Names of Satan, as listed in the Satanic Bible written by Satanic High Priest, Anton LaVey. [Churchward's book was, Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man]
In India, this triangle was worn in the foreheads of the followers of Shiva. Masonic authors William Meyer and J.S.M. Ward, also wrote that this type of triangle was worn in India by followers of Shiva, who wear it in their foreheads. Shiva is another Infernal Name listed in the Satanic Bible as another name for Satan! Meyer wrote this in, The Order of the Eastern Star; Ward wrote this information in, Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods.
Occult writer, R.P. Lawrie Krishna said the same thing in The Lamb Slain -- Supreme Sacrifice.

Uniting the Water Triangle with the Fire Triangle, the Hexagram is formed. It forms a six pointed star also known as the Seal of Solomon. This symbol is a counterfeit Star of David, the national symbol of Israel. The difference between the Star of David and the occult seal is the triangles which make up the occult seal interlock and the two triangles of the Star of David lie flat against each other.
Mary Ann Slipper, a Masonic author, writing in Symbolism of the Eastern Star, 1927, on page 14, makes a most telling admission, when she says,
"The six pointed star is used in Masonic work and is also found in other well known secret orders."
Another Eastern Star book, The Second Mile, understates the impact of the hexagram when it says,
"... the six pointed star is a very ancient symbol and one of the most powerful."
The hexagram is a very powerful symbol to witches, magicians and sorcerers. It is used in different kinds of witchcraft, magic, occultism, and the casting of zodialcal horoscopes.
Because it has six points, and because it contains a '666,' the hexagram is considered to be Satan's most powerful symbol. Look at the hexagram above. The first six is formed by the sides of each triangle facing the clockwise direction; the second six is formed by the sides of each triangle formed by facing the counterclockwise direction; the third six is formed by the sides of the inner hexagon.
The hexagram was used as a,
"stand-by for Magicians and Alchemists. The Sorcerers believed it represented the footprint of a special kind of demon called a 'trud', and used it in ceremonies both to call up demons and to keep them away."
[Gary Jennings, Black Magic, White Magic, Eau Claire. Also Harry E. Wedeck, Treasury of Witchcraft]
The hexagram is used to conjure up demons, making them appear in this dimension to do the bidding of the witch. Doc Marquis (Former Illuminist Satanist) confirms that hexagrams are used to call forth demons to place spells and curses on the intended victim. The word, "HEX," comes from this practice.
The hexagram is also a symbol of the sex act and reproduction. Masonic author, Albert G. Mackey provides us with the occult explanation in his book, The Symbolism of Freemasonry, [p. 195, 1869 A.D.]
The triangle pointing downward,
"is a female symbol corresponding to the 'yoni' and the upward pointing triangle is the male, the 'lingam'. When the two triangles are interlaced, it represents the union of the active and passive forces in nature; it represents the male and female elements."
[Also explained in Did You Know? Vignettes in Masonry from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine , Missouri Lodge of Research, 1965, p. 132, Wes Cook, Editor]
If this has not become evident to you, the occultist, the paganist, worship sex. They also worship most everything in nature, which fulfills the Biblical definition of a paganist in Romans 1:25, "Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator ..."
Speaking of the sexual connotation of the hexagram, another witch revealed, "When the male triangle penetrates the female triangle, it produces the six pointed crest of Solomon or hexagram, the most wicked symbol in witchcraft." [David J. Meyer, Dancing With Demons: The Music's Real Master]
The hexagram is the sign used in the Royal Arch in Freemasonry. Masonic author Wes Cook, writing in Did You Know? Vignettes in Masonry from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine, [Missouri Lodge of Research, 1965, p. 132] stated that the hexagram represented "balance and harmony" in all facets of the world. Another Masonic publication links the hexagram with the Chinese YANG AND YIN symbol. ["The Significant Numbers", Short Talk Bulletin , September, 1956, Vol. 34, No. 9, p. 5]
In summary, the hexagram IS the most wicked, and one of the most powerful, of all symbols in witchcraft. It is used to call forth demons into this dimension, to communicate with the dead, to describe sex acts, and to represent gods such as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. [Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated , Dr. Cathy Burns]