Saturday, March 31, 2012

Canadian Official Confirms UFO's, Aliens And Govt Conspiracy

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer: "We are hell bent in the direction of destroying our planet....decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us where we were headed and offered to help, but instead we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after."

Uploaded by  on Mar 24, 2012

Canadian Defense Minister - Talks About UFOs Aliens And Government Conspiracy !!
These are the words of former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer


9/11 Airplane Affidavit By John Lear, Son Of Learjet Inventor

"Guns" I Think You Should Read This

I am passing this along...there are comments from two other people I have also been asked if we keep guns in the house. The nurse just kinda slipped it in along with all the other regular questions. I told her I refused to answer because it was against the law to ask. Everyone, whether you have guns or not, should give a neutral answer so they have no idea who does and who doesn't.
My doctor asked me if I had guns in my house and also if any were loaded. I , of course, answered yes to both questions. Then he asked why I kept a loaded gun close to my bed. I answered that my son, who is a certified gun instructor and also works for Homeland Security, advised me that an unloaded, locked up gun is no protection against criminal attack. The Government now requires these questions be asked of people on Medicare, and probably everyone else.
Just passing this along for your information: I had to visit a doctor other than my regular doctor when my doctor was on vacation. One of the questions on the form I had to fill out was: Do you have any guns in your house?? My answer was None of your damn business!! So it is out there!
It is either an insurance issue or government intervention. Either way, it is out there and the second the government gets into your medical records (As they want to under Obamacare) it will become a major issue and will ultimately result in lock and load!!
Please pass this on to all the other retired guys and gun owners...Thanks.
From a Vietnam Vet and retired Police Officer:
I had a doctors appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found out something very interesting that I would like to pass along.
While going through triage before seeing the doctor, I was asked at the end of the exam, three questions:
1. Did I feel stressed?
2. Did I feel threatened?
3. Did I feel like doing harm to someone?
The nurse then informed me, that if I had answered yes to any of the questions, I would have lost my concealed carry permit as it would have gone into my medical records and the VA would have reported it to Homeland Security.
Looks like they are going after the vets first. Other gun people like retired law enforcement will probably be next. Then when they go after the civilians, what argument will they have?
Be forewarned and be aware. The Obama administration has gone on record as considering veterans and gun owners potential terrorists. Whether you are a gun owner veteran or not, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED !
If you know veterans and gun owners, please pass this on to them. Be very cautious about what you say and to whom.
Article here

FBI Says Aliens Are Here, Are Human-Like And Are Interested In Settling Here!

Mirrors: Parallel Universes In The Looking Glass

Are mirrors gateways to other universes? The debate has raged throughout the ages and continues today with arguments about photons, energy vortices, and quantum entanglement. Do our conscious minds anchor us to this reality? Can that anchor slip? Can mirrors create a rift between worlds permitting eerie glimpses into parallel realities? Are there universes so different from our own that the merest hint of their existence is enough to drive you mad? Some researchers say the answer to all those questions is yes.

Virtual reality or dimensional split?
What is reality? Is it the perception of length and breadth, and height? Is it the ability to process a kaleidoscope of light waves and chaotic patterns into a tapestry of logical order?
Reality, in its most basic form, is always perceived as a construct. What we see is always in the past. The mind operates in the eternal now, but the universe around us is always in the rear view mirror and receding. Only the imagination can anticipate the future.

What we perceive as reality is only the tip of the iceberg
When you look at the stars, you see the past and some stars you see may not even exist anymore. The same holds true of what you hear, smell, touch, and even taste. Everything you sense is delayed while the mind operates at near light speed.
You can only see lightwaves the body are designed to see. You cannot see radio waves, or the ultraviolet that honeybees dance to in the meadows, or into other dimensions. You simply don't have the senses to see many things that exist, so only see part of reality.
The world you see is upside-down and righted by your brain. Everything is seen in two-dimensions which is converted to a 3D illusion through the parallax of two separated organs called eyes

According to theorists like Dr. Michio Kaku, you are interacting with parallel universes right now. On the Earth next door, just outside of your perception, an SUV might barrel through the space you're sitting in, but its quantum strings vibrate at a slightly different rate so you are oblivious to its passage.
You don't have the senses to perceive any of this.
Rifts can open. Things can fall through into our reality or fall from here to there, wherever there might be. People can fall through too.

Dimensional doorways may be a brief, turbulent vortex, or a more stable gateway that uses the properties of physical objects to bridge the gap between the vibrating strings of the quanta.
Physical objects like mirrors?

Mirrors and the occult
The occult's fascination with mirrors goes back many centuries. Mirrors were used by soothsayers and the high priestesses of oracles as far back as the ancient days of Sumeria.
The Dream of the Red Chamber, an ancient Chinese novel, tells the story of a Taoist monk with magical abilities that creates a double-sided mirror that reflects the truth on one side and lies on the other.
The eerie sensation many feel when looking at their reflected image in a mirror, unblinkingly staring into their own eyes, no doubt helped fuel the fire of mystic powers attached to mirrors deemed to be magical.
Mirrors are claimed to reveal visions of the future, hell, demons, ghosts, and a veritable potpourri of paranormal powers. Mirrors have been used to cast spells, murder, surrepticiously spy upon rivals, and even travel through time. The practice of using a mirror as a paranormal tool is called scrying

A famous work of fiction, Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, uses a mirror as a portal to another world where the intrepid heroine, Alice, becomes entwined in a new adventure after her first travel through the rabbit hole.
Seers, sorcerers, witches and warlocks all believe mirrors have special powers embedded within them that can be accessed with the right words or rituals.
Although their beliefs can certainly fire the imagination, and anecdotal incidents supporting the beliefs abound, sadly there's no real evidence that proves any of it true.
Yet it's true that myths and legends often have a core of truth within them, like a little nugget of glistening gold locked within a featureless rock.
Could there be a truth deep within the mystic belief that the very nature of a mirror, its unique physical construction, might lend itself to opening some gateway or portal to the multiverse?

The room with a view
Famous American writer of dark and eerie tales, Edgar Allan Poe, abhorred mirrors. He found them to be unsettling and slightly evil.
In his story, The Philosophy of Furniture, he wrote: "Regarded apart from its reflection, the mirror presents a continuous, flat, colorless, unrelieved surface, a thing always and obviously unpleasant. Considered as a reflector, it is potent in producing a monstrous and odious uniformity: and the evil is here aggravated, not in merely direct proportion with the augmentation of its sources, but in a ratio constantly increasing. In fact, a room with four or five mirrors arranged at random, is, for all purposes of artistic show, a room of no shape at all. If we add to this evil, the attendant glitter upon glitter, we have a perfect farrago of discordant and displeasing effects."

The 'Hiding Mirror'
Things are said to hide inside mirrors. Images of past events may be contained in infinitely trapped light waves. Mirrors are also considered by some to be linked to the spirit world.
Haunted American Tours has compiled a list of things never to do with a mirror. Here's some of their cautionary suggestions:
1. Never look into a mirror by candlelight, it may show you a very haunted version of your home.
2. If you stare into a mirror between two tall, white candles you might see the spirit of a loved one who's passed away. And their soul is stuck in your mirror.
3. Always cover a haunted mirror during a thunderstorm because lightning will release the ghosts.
4. It is considered a bad omen to receive a mirror from a deceased person's home as a present.
5. If someone sees their reflection in a mirror in a room where someone has recently died, they will die soon.
6. It's said that if ghost wanders your home during the night a mirror can capture it.
That's the ghostly side of mirrors. The scientific side may be even more fascinating.
Lawrence Krauss, formerly a Case Western Reserve University professor of physics now with Arizona State University, penned a fascinating book, "Hiding in the Mirror: the Mysterious Allure of Extra Dimensions, from Plato to String Theory and Beyond."
Krauss wonders if there's another world in mirrors and if scientific discoveries over the past several hundred years are leading to the realization that mirrors might be windows to something else.

His speculation caused some controversy, but is supported by an in-depth assessment of empircal sciences. As notes, Krauss reviews "empirical science in the last two centuries, beginning with the discovery of the laws of electromagnetism that eventually would lead to larger questions about the link between time and space that Albert Einstein would solve in 1915 with his general relativity theory. The book continues through the remarkable discoveries associated with the nature of the subatomic world, including the discoveries of nearly exotic particles such as positrons, muons, neutrinos, and quarks that have led mankind to a new understanding of the four forces in nature, and to a clear appreciation that somehow gravity is fundamentally different than the other forces in a way that is still not understood.

Read full article here

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Project Chronos " The Prelude"


Friday, March 30, 2012

Roswell UFO incident part 3

Roswell UFO incident part 1 here
Here is part 2

Here is part 3

New witness accounts and the emergence of alien narratives

See also: Witness accounts of the Roswell UFO incident
In 1978, nuclear physicist and author Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Jesse Marcel, the only person known to have accompanied the Roswell debris from where it was recovered to Fort Worth. Over the next few years, the accounts he and others gave elevated Roswell from a forgotten incident to perhaps the most famous UFO case of all time.
By the early 1990s, UFO researchers such as Friedman, William Moore, Karl T. Pflock, and the team of Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt had interviewed several hundred people who had, or claimed to have had, a connection with the events at Roswell in 1947. Additionally, hundreds of documents were obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests, as were some apparently leaked by insiders, such as the disputed "Majestic 12" documents.
Their conclusions were that at least one alien craft had crashed in the Roswell vicinity, that aliens, some possibly still alive, were recovered, and that a massive cover-up of any knowledge of the incident was put in place.
Numerous books, articles, television specials and even a made-for-TV movie brought the 1947 incident fame and notoriety so that by the mid-1990s, strong majorities in polls, such as a 1997 CNN/Time poll, believed that aliens had visited earth and specifically that aliens had landed at Roswell and the government was covering up the fact.
A new narrative emerged, which was at strong odds with what was reported in 1947. This narrative evolved over the years from the time the first book on Roswell was published in 1980 as many new witnesses and accounts emerged, drawn out in part by publicity on the incident. Though skeptics had many objections to the plausibility of these accounts, it was not until 1994 and the publication of the first Air Force report on the incident that a strong counter-argument to the presence of aliens was widely publicized.
Numerous scenarios emerged from these authors as to what they felt were the true sequence of events, depending on which witness accounts were embraced or dismissed, and what the documentary evidence suggested. This was especially true in regards to the various claimed crash and recovery sites of alien craft, as various authors had different witnesses and different locations for these events.
However, the following general outline from UFO Crash at Roswell (1991) by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt is common to most of these accounts:
A UFO crashed northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947. The military acted quickly and efficiently to recover the debris after its existence was reported by a ranch hand. The debris, unlike anything these highly trained men had ever seen, was flown without delay to at least three government installations. A cover story was concocted to explain away the debris and the flurry of activity. It was explained that a weather balloon, one with a new radiosonde target device, had been found and temporarily confused the personnel of the 509th Bomb Group. Government officials took reporters' notes from their desks and warned a radio reporter not to play a recorded interview with the ranch hand. The men who took part in the recovery were told never to talk about the incident. And with a whimper, not a bang, the Roswell event faded quickly from public view and press scrutiny.
What follows is accounts of the sequence of events according to some of the major books published on the subject.

The Roswell Incident (1980)

The first book on the subject, The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and William L. Moore, was published in 1980. The authors at the time said they had interviewed more than ninety witnesses. Though uncredited, Stanton Friedman did substantial research for the book. The book featured accounts of debris described by Jesse Marcel as "nothing made on this earth." Additional accounts suggested that the material Marcel recovered had super-strength and other attributes not associated with anything known of terrestrial origin, and certainly not anything associated with a "weather balloon" which was the official description of the object. The book also introduced the contention that debris recovered by Marcel at the Foster ranch (visible in photographs showing Marcel posing with the debris) was substituted for debris from a weather device (visible in pictures with Gen. Ramey, Marcel and others) as part of a cover-up. The actual debris recovered from the ranch—which, the authors claimed, was from a crashed UFO—was not permitted a close inspection by the press. Also described were efforts by the military to discredit and "counteract the growing hysteria towards flying saucers". Additionally, various accounts of witness intimidation were included, in particular reports of the incarceration of Mac Brazel, who reported the debris in the first place.
A report of Roswell residents Dan Wilmot and his wife seeing an object "like two inverted saucers faced mouth to mouth" passing overhead on the evening of July 2 was included, as were other reports of mysterious objects seen flying overhead. The book also introduced an alien account by Barney Barnett who had died years earlier. Friends said he had on numerous occasions described the crash of a flying saucer and the recovery of alien corpses in the Socorro area, about 150 miles (240 km) west of the Foster ranch. He and a group of archaeologists who happened to be in the vicinity had stumbled upon an alien craft and its occupants on the morning of July 3, only to be led away by military personnel. Further accounts suggested that these aliens and their craft were shipped to Edwards Air Force Base (known then as Muroc Army Air Field) in California. The book suggested that either there were two crafts that crashed, or debris from the vehicle Barnett had described had landed on the Foster ranch after an explosion.
Marcel said he "heard about it on July 7" when the sheriff whom Brazel had called him, but also said that "[on] Sunday, July 6, Brazel decided he had better go into town and report this to someone," who in turn called Marcel, suggesting, though not stating, that he was contacted July 6.In 1947, Marcel was quoted as saying he visited the ranch on Monday, July 7.
Marcel described returning to Roswell the evening of July 7 to find that news of the discovery of a flying disc had leaked out. Calls were made to his house, including a visit from a reporter, but he would not confirm the reports for the press. "The next morning, that written press release went out, and after that things really hit the fan."
The book suggested that the military orchestrated Brazel's testimony to make it appear a mundane object had landed on the ranch, though the book did not explicitly say that the military instructed Brazel to give a mid-June date for his discovery. "Brazel... [went] to great pains to tell the newspaper people exactly what the Air Force had instructed him to say regarding how he had come to discover the wreckage and what it looked like ..."

UFO Crash at Roswell (1991)

In 1991, with the benefit of a decade of publicity on the incident and numerous new witness interviews, Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt published UFO Crash at Roswell.
Timelines were slightly altered. The date that Brazel reported the debris and Marcel went to the ranch was said to be Sunday, July 6, not the next day as some of the original accounts suggested, and The Roswell Incident had left unclear. Additionally, Marcel and an unidentified counter-intelligence agent spent the night at the ranch, something not mentioned previously. They gathered material on Monday, then Marcel dropped by his house on the way to the Roswell base in the early hours of Tuesday, July 8.
Significant new details emerged, including accounts of a "gouge... that extended four or five hundred feet" at the ranch and descriptions of an elaborate cordon and recovery operation. (Several witnesses in The Roswell Incident described being turned back from the Foster ranch by armed military police, but more extensive descriptions were lacking.)
The Barnett accounts were mentioned, though the dates and locations were changed from the accounts found in The Roswell Incident. In this new account, Brazel is described as leading the Army to a second crash site on the ranch, where the Army was "horrified to find civilians [including Barnett] there already."
New witness accounts added substantially to the reports of aliens and their recovery. Glenn Dennis had emerged as an important witness after calling the hotline when an episode of “Unsolved Mysteries” featured the Roswell incident in 1989. His descriptions of Roswell alien autopsies were the first to place alien corpses at the Roswell Army Air Base.
No mention, except in passing, was made of the claim found in The Roswell Incident that the Roswell aliens and their craft were shipped to Edwards Air Force Base. The book established a chain of events with alien corpses seen at a crash site, their bodies shipped to the Roswell base as witnessed by Dennis, and then flown to Fort Worth and finally to Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, the last known location of the bodies (accounts assembled in part from the testimony of Frank Kaufmann and Capt. O. W. Henderson).
The book also introduced an account from General Arthur E. Exon, an officer stationed at the alleged final resting place of the recovered material. He stated there was a shadowy group, which he called the Unholy Thirteen, who controlled and had access to whatever was recovered.He later stated:
In the '55 time period [when Exon was at the Pentagon], there was also the story that whatever happened, whatever was found at Roswell was still closely held and probably would be held until these fellows I mentioned had died so they wouldn't be embarrassed or they wouldn't have to explain why they covered it up. ... until the original thirteen died off and I don't think anyone is going to release anything [until] the last one's gone.

Crash at Corona (1992)

In 1992, Crash at Corona, written by Stanton Friedman and Don Berliner, suggested a high-level cover-up of a UFO recovery, based on documents they obtained such as the Majestic 12 archive. These documents were anonymously dropped off at a UFO researcher’s house in 1984 and purported to be 1952 briefing papers for incoming President Dwight Eisenhower describing a high-level government agency whose purpose was to investigate aliens recovered at Roswell and to keep such information hidden from public view. Friedman had done much of the research for The Roswell Incident with William Moore, and Crash at Corona built on that research. The title contains Corona instead of Roswell as Corona is geographically closer to the Foster ranch crash site.
The time-line is largely the same as previously, with Marcel and Cavitt visiting the ranch on Sunday, July 6. But the book says that Brazel was "taken into custody for about a week" and escorted into the offices of the Roswell Daily Record on July 10 where he gave an account he was told to give by the government.
A sign of the disputes between various researchers is on display as Friedman and Berliner move the Barnett account back to near Socorro and introduce a new eyewitness account of the site from Gerald Anderson who provided vivid descriptions of both a downed alien craft and four aliens, of which at least one was alive. The authors note that much of their evidence had been dismissed by UFO Crash at Roswell "without a solid basis" and that "a personality conflict between Anderson and Randle" meant that Friedman was the author who investigated his claim.The book, however, largely embraces the sequence of events from UFO Crash at Roswell, where aliens are seen at the Roswell Army Air Field, based on the Dennis account, and then shipped off to Fort Worth and then Wright Field.
The book suggests as many as eight alien corpses were recovered from two crash sites: three dead and perhaps one alive from the Foster ranch, and three dead and one living from the Socorro site.

The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell (1994)

In 1994, Randle and Schmitt published a second book, The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell. while restating much of the case as laid out in their earlier book, new and expanded accounts of aliens were included, and a new location for the recovery of aliens was detailed. Additionally, an almost completely new scenario as to the sequence of events was laid out.
For the first time, the object was said to have crashed on the evening of Friday, July 4 instead of Wednesday July 2, the date in all the previous books. Another important difference was the assertion that the alien recovery was well under way before Brazel went into Roswell with his news about debris on the Foster ranch. Indeed, several objects had been tracked by radar for a few days in the vicinity before one crashed. In all previous accounts, the military was made aware of the alleged alien crash only when Brazel came forward. Additionally, Brazel was said to have given his news conference on July 9, and his press conference and the initial news release announcing the discovery of a "flying disc" were all part of an elaborate ruse to shift attention away from the "true" crash site.
The book featured a new witness account describing an alien craft and aliens from Jim Ragsdale, at a new location just north of Roswell, instead of closer to Corona on the Foster ranch. Corroboration was given by accounts from a group of archaeologists. Five alien corpses were seen.While the Foster ranch was a source of debris as well, no bodies were recovered there.
Expanded accounts came from Dennis and Kaufmann. And a new account from Ruben Anaya described New Mexico Lieutenant Governor Joseph Montoya's claim that he saw alien corpses at the Roswell base.
More disagreement between Roswell researchers is on display in the book. A full chapter is devoted to dismissing the Barnett and Anderson accounts from Socorro, a central part of Crash at Corona and The Roswell Incident. "...Barnett's story, and in fact, the Plains [of San Augustin, near Soccoro] scenario, must be discarded", say the authors.An appendix is devoted to describing the Majestic 12 documents, another central part of Crash at Corona, as a hoax.
The two Randle and Schmitt books remain highly influential in the UFO community, their interviews and conclusions widely reproduced on websites. Randle and Schmitt claimed to have "conducted more than two thousand interviews with more than five hundred people" during their Roswell investigations.

What is the Bohemian club?

The Bohemian Club is a private gentlemen's club located at 624 Taylor Street, San Francisco, California. Founded in 1872 from a regular meeting of journalists, artists and musicians, it soon began to accept businessmen and entrepreneurs as permanent members, as well as offering temporary membership to university presidents and military commanders who were serving in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Today, the club has a diverse membership of many local and global leaders, ranging from artists and musicians to businessmen.

In New York City and other American metropolises in the late 1850s, groups of young, cultured journalists flourished as self-described "bohemians" until the American Civil War broke them up and sent them out as war correspondents.During the war, reporters began to assume the title "bohemian," and newspapermen in general took up the moniker. "Bohemian" became synonymous with "newspaper writer".California journalist Bret Harte first wrote as "The Bohemian" in The Golden Era in 1861, with this persona taking part in many satirical doings. Harte described San Francisco as a sort of Bohemia of the West.Mark Twain called himself and poet Charles Warren Stoddard bohemians in 1867.

The Bohemian Club was originally formed in April 1872 by and for journalists who wished to promote a fraternal connection among men who enjoyed the arts. Michael Henry de Young, proprietor of the San Francisco Chronicle, provided this description of its formation in a 1915 interview:
The Bohemian Club was organized in the Chronicle office by Tommy Newcombe, Sutherland, Dan O'Connell, Harry Dam and others who were members of the staff. The boys wanted a place where they could get together after work, and they took a room on Sacramento street below Kearny. That was the start of the Bohemian Club, and it was not an unmixed blessing for the Chronicle because the boys would go there sometimes when they should have reported at the office. Very often when Dan O'Connell sat down to a good dinner there he would forget that he had a pocketful of notes for an important story.
Journalists were to be regular members; artists and musicians were to be honorary members.The group quickly relaxed its rules for membership to permit some people to join who had little artistic talent, but enjoyed the arts and had greater financial resources. Eventually, the original "bohemian" members were in the minority and the wealthy and powerful controlled the club.Club members who were established and successful, respectable family men, defined for themselves their own form of bohemianism which included men who were bons vivants, sometime outdoorsmen, and appreciators of the arts.Club member and poet George Sterling responded to this redefinition:
Any good mixer of convivial habits considers he has a right to be called a Bohemian. But that is not a valid claim. There are two elements, at least, that are essential to Bohemianism. The first is devotion or addiction to one or more of the Seven Arts; the other is poverty. Other factors suggest themselves: for instance, I like to think of my Bohemians as young, as radical in their outlook on art and life; as unconventional, and, though this is debatable, as dwellers in a city large enough to have the somewhat cruel atmosphere of all great cities.
Despite his purist views, Sterling associated very closely with the Bohemian Club, and caroused with artist and industrialist alike at the Bohemian Grove.
Oscar Wilde, upon visiting the club in 1882, is reported to have said "I never saw so many well-dressed, well-fed, business-looking Bohemians in my life."
A number of past membership lists are in public domain,but modern club membership lists are private. Some prominent figures have been given honorary membership, such as Richard Nixon and William Randolph Hearst. Members have included some U.S. presidents (usually before they are elected to office), many cabinet officials, and CEOs of large corporations, including major financial institutions. Major military contractors, oil companies, banks (including the Federal Reserve), utilities, and national media have high-ranking officials as club members or guests. Many members are, or have been, on the board of directors of several of these corporations; however, artists and lovers of art are among the most active members. The club's bylaws require ten percent of the membership be accomplished artists of all types (composers, musicians, singers, actors, lighting artists, painters, authors, etc). Artistic members are admitted after passing a stringent audition demonstrating their talent.

Every year the club hosts a two week long (three weekends) camp at Bohemian Grove, which is notable for its illustrious guest list and its eclectic Cremation of Care ceremony which mockingly burns "Care" (the normal woes of life) with grand pageantry, pyrotechnics and brilliant costumes, all done at the edge of a lake and at the base of a forty-foot 'stone' owl statue. In addition to that ceremony, there are also two outdoor performances (dramatic and comedic plays), often with elaborate set design and orchestral accompaniment. The more elaborate of the two is the Grove Play, or High Jinks, the more ribald is called Low Jinks.More often than not, the productions are original creations of the Associate members but active participation of hundreds of members of all backgrounds is traditional.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How Scientists Tracked A Flying Saucer

Now It Can Be Told...
More than 60 years ago scientists from the United States Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) tracked flying saucers that regularly harassed US Navy vessels. The federal government and military had not yet become adept enough in their disinformation campaign against UFOs to successfully cover up the investigation, or the reported findings. In 1950, Commander Robert B. McLaughlin, USN, spilled the beans and told the whole story in a documented, true case of alien intrigue and U.S. involvement. The tracking occurred during April 1949 at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico.

As far back as the late 1940s, the questions about whether flying saucers are real or not were answered: they are real. So, whether to believe or not believe in their reality is not the question to ask. Instead, the unanswered questions are where are they from, who pilots them, and what is the agenda or mission of the beings in those unknown craft?

The official report of Commander Robert B. McLaughlin
Before the federal government and Pentagon began its campaign of denial, obfuscation and disinformation to turn the U.S. media from believers into skeptics, remarkable and credible reports circulated freely within the government and became part of the public record.
Part of that public record includes American fighter jets intercepting and firing on flying saucers, military interaction with alien craft on the high seas, and the testimony of astronomers, pilots, engineers and technicians.
One of the most striking testimonies was that of Commander Robert B. McLaughlin.

At the time McLaughlin was considered near the top of the nation's experts in guided missile technology.
For years he oversaw the USN unit responsible for technological assistance, working with the teams of rocket scientists and technicians at the White Sands Proving Ground located in Las Cruces, New Mexico

The first atomic bomb was detonated at White Sands
During the years following 1949 many unidentified flying objects were seen in the vicinity of White Sands. This may not be too surprising as the facility was the location where the United States detonated the world's first atomic bomb.
Later it became the home of the captured German superweapons, the V-2 rockets

A captured Nazi V-2 rocket launched at White Sands
The first documented sighting of a flying saucer occurred during a standard launch of a 100-foot skyhook balloon to obtain readings of the upper atmosphere before launching one of the rockets.
According to the archives, the balloon was launched 57 miles northwest of the base on April 24, 1949.
The air was crisp and clear making it easy for the ground crew to track the ascent of the balloon with its meteorological instrument package. They tracked it closely as it dwindled into the distance far above their heads.

The scientists tracked the balloon with a scientific instrument called a 'theodolite'an extremely precise telescopic device that measures angles in the vertical and horizontal planes. First developed for surveying topographical plots of land, it was eventually adapted for meteorological use
A team of five observers attended the balloon launch. Each had a different responsibility, such as recording the readings, watching the sky with the theodolite, announcing the readings of wind and altitude, and so on.

Launch of a skyhook balloon, White Sands 1947
As the balloon ascended, carried into the distance by prevailing upper atmosphere winds, an amazing thing occurred: an unknown object suddenly appeared in the sky to the east. It passed the exact flight path of the weather balloon and the man operating the theodolite began tracking it instead.
Because the UFO appeared to a team of trained scientists and engineers, and they had state-of-the-art observing equipment, they were able to acquire quite a bit of information about the object

UFO photographed over White Sands later in 1949
The conclusions drawn were remarkable. The object was manufactured, a craftsome kind of unknown elliptical flying machineabout 100 feet long and 40 feet wide, 56 miles up, and traveling about five miles per second, which works out to a speed of roughly 18,000 miles per hour.
An interesting side note: although traveling many times the speed of sound, no sonic booms were heard

More amazing data was captured by the scientists and engineers. According to McLaughlin, writing in True Magazine, "At the end of its trajectory, it swerved abruptly upward, altering its angle of elevation by five degreescorresponding to an increase in altitude of about 25 milesin a period of 10 seconds. Rough calculation indicates that a force of more that 20 G's (20 times the pull of gravity) would be required to produce this elevation in this time."
The craft disappeared from site when it reached an elevation of 29 degrees above the horizon. It had been tracked for about one minute.

McLaughlin also asserts that "Close questioning of the observers prior to the official report that went to 'Project Saucer' at Wright-Patterson Field in Dayton, Ohio [the base that the Roswell crashed saucer remains and ET bodies were allegedly flown to], produced an almost unanimous judgment that the object was discus shaped and that it was a flat white color. High powered binoculars showed no exhaust trail, no stream of light or other evidence of a propulsions system. And, no sound. What was it?
"I am convinced that it was a flying saucer and, further, that these discs are space ships from another planet, operated by animate, intelligent beings.
"I think it is safe to say that it wasn't any type of aircraft known on Earth today. Even if, as is likely, there are top secret models which you and I know nothing about, there is no human being in this world who could take a force of 20 G's and live to tell about it."
Two more sightings of flying saucers were documented. One in May and another in June of 1949. McLaughlin describes the sightings fully 

Official report to Project Bluebook

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt head of Project Blue Book
Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, Project Blue Book writes of the White Sands flying saucers:
On several occasions during 1948 and 1949, McLaughlin or his crew at the White Sands Proving Ground had made good UFO sightings. The best one was on April 24, 1949, when the commander's crew of engineers, scientists, and technicians were getting ready to launch one of the huge 100-foot-diameter skyhook balloons. It was 10:30 A.M. on an absolutely clear Sunday morning.
Prior to the launching, the crew had set up a small weather balloon to check the winds at lower levels. One man was watching the balloon through a theodolite, an instrument similar to a surveyor's transit built around a 25-power telescope, one man was holding a stop watch, and a third had a clipboard to record the measured data.
The crew had tracked the balloon to about 10,000 feet when one of them suddenly shouted and pointed off to the left. The whole crew looked at the part of the sky where the man was excitedly pointing, and there was a UFO. "It didn't appear to be large," one of the scientists later said, "but it was plainly visible. It was easy to see that it was elliptical in shape and had a 'whitish-silver color.'"
After taking a split second to realize what they were looking at, one of the men swung the theodolite around to pick up the object, and the timer reset his stop watch. For sixty seconds they tracked the UFO as it moved toward the east. In about fifty-five seconds it had dropped from an angle of elevation of 45 degrees to 25 degrees, then it zoomed upward and in a few seconds it was out of sight. The crew head no sound and the New Mexico desert was so calm that day that they could have heard "a whisper a mile away."
When they reduced the data they had collected, McLaughlin and crew found out that the UFO had been traveling 4 degrees per second. At one time during the observed portion of its flight, the UFO had passed in front of a range of mountains that were visible to the observers. Using this as a check point, they estimated the size of the UFO to be 40 feet wide and 100 feet long, and they computed that the UFO had been at an altitude of 296,000 feet, or 56 miles, when they had first seen it, and that it was traveling seven miles per second.

Secret 'Project Twinkle' FOIA reveals independent confirmation
Yet another substantiation of the V-2 viewed saucers comes from the federal government.
A top secret military project codenamed Project Twinkle was launched to investigate a rash of mysterious green fireballs plaguing the White Sands Proving Ground. Parts of the project report confirm an ongoing link between the observation of flying saucers and the V-2 rocket tests.
A November 27, 1951 report on the findings of Project Twinkle by a Dr. Louis Elterman, the Senior Project Scientist with the government’s Atmospherics Physics Laboratory, Geophysics Division contains this bombshell:
"On August 31, 1950, the phenomena was again observed after a V-2 launching. Although much film was expended, proper triangulation was not affected, so that no information was acquired. On September 11, arrangements were made for Major Gover to be on call so that aerial objects might be pursued. This would make possible more intimate visual observation and photography at close range."
The pursuit Elterman recommends are fully armed fighter jets carrying aerial cameras to film the flying saucers in flight. No doubt this recommendation was followed.
Official report on White Sands UFO to Office of Naval Intelligence

So ends the amazing story of the White Sands Proving Ground, the first (but probably not the last), scientific tracking and analysis of extraterrestrial craft

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Proof of area 51 flying saucers

Intrepid researcher Scott C. Waringauthor of UFO Sightings of 2006-2009 and Dragons of Asgardfollowed in the sometimes circuitous footsteps of controversial UFO personality Bob Lazar and uncovered amazing proof of disc and V-shaped craft both airborne and hangared at the test base. Waring has obtained documented proof that alien-inspired, back engineered craft are being flown by the United States Air Force.

Scott Waring has found the best proof ever that USAF has ET technology

Bob Lazar: Alien craft are being reverse-engineered at S-4

Former Area-51 employee, Bob Lazar
Nevadan Bob Lazar came to fame by divulging alleged inner projects of the USAF's infamous and top secret S-4 test site located within Area-51 at Groom Lake, Nevada.

Among other things, Lazar claimed he worked there after meeting withand being recommended by—world renown nuclear physicist, Dr. Edward Teller at the Los Alamos facility in New Mexico.

Dr. Edward Teller, known as the 'father of the hydrogen bomb'
Lazar also claims that retrieved alien craft are housed there and teams of scientists and engineers are flown into Area-51 and S-4 daily by Janus Airlines (contracted to the USAF through Nellis AFB).

Area-51 workers boarding Janus at McCarran Airport, Las Vegas
Many specialists are assigned to cracking the mysteries of ET technology and reverse-engineering flight systems, propulsion motors, and alien electrical and materials sciences currently beyond Man's current level of technology.

Crack broadcast journalist George Knapp broke the story on Area-51 and brought Bob Lazar's allegationsthat the USAF had flying saucers and had a project underway to reverse engineer alien technologiesto the public's attention.

Award-winning broadcast joutnalist, George Knapp
Scott Waring's discoveries at Groom Lake Screen shots
Using Google Earth, Waring zoomed in on one of the most secret places on Earth—an advanced USAF test facility linked to Nellis AFB that the Air Force denies even exists.
Meticulously searching the main base, tinier dry lakebeds, and nearby mountain ranges, Waring found three undeniable advanced technology craft of the type that Bob Lazar might argue as strong evidence of reverse-engineered alien technology:
1. A large disc craft partially hangared at the main facility;
2. An airborne disc craft undergoing a flight test and casting an unmistakable shadow upon the desert floor beneath it;
3. And near one of the mountain ranges a classic "V-craft" often witnessed at night by observers who believe they've seen a UFO. The V-craft is easily visible and casting a large diamond-shaped shadow on the desert terrain.

Partly obscured by shadow, large disc craft partially hangared

Smaller disc craft like Lazar's 'sport model' flying over desert at S-4

S-4 flight test of V-craft seen all over the world and reported as UFO

The video that shuts up debunkers

Video starts with zoom-in on disc at hangar

Video captures stunning evidence of flying saucer

Amazing shot of advanced, top-secret V-craft skimming over desert

Read full article here