The nation's Doomsday capitol
As long ago as the 1990s during the Clinton Administration, civilian agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Agriculture and Federal Bureau of Investigation created a secondary nexus in Denver, Colorado.
The political theory to establish a Doomsday capitol—a "Washington outside Washington"—was created by Arlington think tanks. They believed their plan would afford a higher level of security if the nation's emergency capitol was located near the geographical center of the country with the Rocky Mountain range at its back instead of the Atlantic Ocean on its doorstep.

Denver is a logical choice as many government assets exist in or near the city: Nellis AFB, Groom Lake , and the Omaha SAC base are within defense range, much of the US nuclear arsenal is stockpiled in the general region, the mountains make a ground attack force next to impossible, and Denver sits a mile above sea level.
Pentagon moved some of DIA, DARPA, and SID to Denver area
In addition to the civilian agencies, the Pentagon has also moved segments of its operations—including the Defense Intelligence Agency, the super-secret Strategic Intelligence Department, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and others—to the more secure Doomsday capitol. Some of the Pentagon assets occupy part of newly refurbished levels deep underground inside the famous Cheyenne Mountain NORAD facility.
Allegedly CIA has moved some assets to Denver International
After the 9-11 al-Qaeda attacks, the CIA, NSA and some smaller nuclear intelligence agencies that are virtually invisible to the proverbial man-on-the-street, also transferred some assets to Denver.
While some military assets are fully established in the sub-levels of the Denver International Airport, a few are still outside Denver closer to Colorado Springs, home of the United States Air Force Academy.
The projected Death Zone
Now, however, the carefully crafted plans of the federal government are in disarray. As evidence mounts that a possible full-blown Ice Age may be emerging, Denver and the surrounding region is rapidly becoming problematic.
Another concern facing officials is the increased chance that the supervolcano at Yellowstone might erupt. The last time the volcano blew was in the far distant past. It obliterated almost half of what is now the United States. Unofficially the risk area is called the Death Zone.
The western city would not be an auspicious spot if Yellowstone erupts as the volcano's footprint could have a shock wave and debris radius extending more than 800 miles. Denver is a mere 463 miles from its city limits to the lip of the Yellowstone caldera.
Denver is well within the Death Zone region
$100 billion already spent
According to budget insiders, the federal government has already spent more than $100 billion since 1997 to establish the framework of an emergency second capital for the US.
Now, planners are in a quandary. Although the odds are extremely low that the Yellowstone supervolcano will undergo a catastrophic eruption, some officials argue that it's too high a gamble to risk. In fact, a small, but growing number of geophysicists see Yellowstone erupting before 2020.
Others are adamant that Denver will be fine.
Possible Ice Age makes federal plan for Denver problematic
Experts fear creeping disaster
More worrisome is the possibly impending Ice Age. It may not materialize. If it doesn't, Denver remains the best location.
Conversely, an Ice Age may come, but only the so-called mini-Ice Age. A small Ice Age would probably present an inconvenience and task logisticians, but it can be worked around.
A full-blown, major Ice Age, however, is definitely a game-changer. The entire region would have to be abandoned and the city of Denver—and most of northern Colorado—written off for as long as several thousand years, maybe more.
Whereas a Yellowstone supervolcano eruption would be swift and deadly, an advancing Ice Age would be a creeping disaster.
For now, the decision is to wait it out. The risk in doing nothing, of course, is if the Ice Age arrives with a vengeance—some scientists say the process can happen as fast as a relative handful of years—the federal Denver capitol will have to be abandoned as Washington, DC itself becomes unmanageable
Yellowstone will destroy many American cities in hours
And the steaming, burning Yellowstone caldera dome is rising at a faster pace than ever recorded in history—an ominous sign that it might indeed erupt. If it does, the government will not be able to do much to protect the 100 million Americans expected to perish in such an apocalyptic calamity, but the guilt-edged priority in any case is that the government maintain a viable structure and seamless continuity.
Federal installations beneath Denver Int'l may be at risk
Suggestions to move the second capitol from Denver to areas with an infrastructure—such as Atlanta, Georgia that's well outside the Yellowstone Death Zone or Austin, Texas that lies on the theoretical border of the deadliest effects of the supervolcano's reach—are being intensely debated at government think tanks and intelligence agencies.
In the meantime, with the nation's capital at risk and the possibility of its second capitol's infrastructure being compromised or wiped out, the U.S, government finds itself in the untenable position of ceasing to exist if the odds happen to tip the wrong way anytime in the foreseeable future.

Meanwhile the internal debates rages. The clock ticks; the danger mounts
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