Walter C. Vetsch |
Originally, scholars had free access to the state of the art knowledge of the time. However, beginning around the 1940’s, knowledge was gradually split into two streams. Total knowledge was restricted and reserved for the elite members of the ruling class.

General knowledge, which was a modified and censored version of total knowledge, was made available to the remainder of the population. As new discoveries were made, they were screened to determine whether they would be allowed to be known by the general population or whether they would be reserved only for use by the elite.
As time passed, more and more new discoveries were considered to be reserved for the elite and less and less were allowed to enter the stream of general knowledge available to the masses. Today, when science students reach the graduate level, many find that they need a top secret or “Q” clearance just to get access to basic information they need to successfully continue their studies.
In physics, for example, you could easily spend years memorizing math equations only to be told that there are “uncertainties” and a comprehensive understanding is “impossible”. However, if you could get your hands on a top secret physics book, you would notice that all these classic “uncertainties” had been resolved and you would find chapters dealing with temporal science, antigravity technology and faster than light propulsion.
Even seemingly innocuous sciences are subject to secrecy. Theatrical people such as actors, makeup artists and special effects experts are often recruited to facilitate sophisticated “psyop” operations designed to manipulate public opinion, trick enemies or program select populations. Anyone recruited for such endeavors would need to agree to keep the knowledge of their activities secret.
Conventional and Top Secret Medicine
There is a fundamental difference between conventional and top secret medicine. People with access to top secret medicine include those who live physically forever and stay in perfect health. People who use conventional medicine have limited life spans, suffer needlessly from diseases because the cures are classified, and suffer from illnesses deliberately caused to boost the profits of the conventional medical and pharmaceutical industries.Also, in countries without socialized medicine such as the United States, there is the issue of cost. Top secret medicine is free. It is an entitlement for the chosen elite. Conventional medicine, which is a guarantee of certain death, however, must be paid for.
The community of the world elite live in a socialized environment. A perfect life is considered a right. However, in order to guarantee this right, the general population or the slave class must toil and die to service their needs.
It should be easy to see why top secret medicine is secret. Obviously, if the ordinary people ever realized the truth, they too would demand perfect health and indefinite life.
Who are the people who will live forever and rule this world? Some common sense should help you identify them. Ordinary people generally think about retirement — that quiet period at the end of their lives when they are free from whatever slave labor they have been doing. However, if you look around, you will notice many “very well preserved” old people — mostly men — who are active and running the country and the world at an age when their “ordinary” contemporaries would be in nursing homes. They never retire.
Why would you want to live at this pace if your next step was the grave? Most likely, you would not. However, if you knew death would never come for you because you were a member of the super elite and would live physically forever, your behavior would be completely understandable.
Top Secret Drugs
The most popular top secret drug is the so called “health kit.” This is a cocktail of drugs which gives the user immunity to all known diseases. This includes man-made diseases such as AIDS. Health kits are generally reserved for the super elite who have been granted physical immortality.There are also many mind control drugs developed during years of CIA and military experiments. These agents facilitate programming manchurian candidates, altering the behavior of foreign leaders and, of course, quiet and undetectable assassinations.
Here are some general categories:
1. Military Use Agents. Examples would include biological weapons, mind control agents, exotic poisons, implants and electromagnetic technologies which effect life processes.
2. Enhancement Agents. Examples would include intelligence boosting drugs [used to create child geniuses who work at the secret national labs], agents to assist remote viewers [high doses of bilberry extract is reported to be in use] and “rambo” drugs and implants used to create fearless “super soldiers”.
3. Consciousness Alteration. Examples would include mind control agents, agents to assist out of body activities and agents used to remove blocks to the recall of previous lives.
4. Vaccines and Antidotes. Examples would include all of the various vaccines which keep the elite disease free but are withheld from the general population as well as the secret antidotes to agents used against the general population such as disease causing agents like AIDS as well as a variety of control agents and debilitating agents added to the food supply.
Top Secret Medical Devices
Top secret medical devices include such gadgets as consciousness transference machines, aura balancing machines and the temporal reversal machine. These devices are generally reserved for the super elite who have been guaranteed eternal physical life.There are many other top secret devices which are used to enhance lower level functionaries who are important but who will not be granted physical immortality. The largest class of such devices are implants. Perhaps the most common are communications implants. These are generally dental implants which allow constant undetectable two-way communication between an agent and his controllers. The support system for this is satellite-based and guarantees worldwide coverage. Other classes of implants would include augmentation devices such as the classic “Rambo chip implant”, said to create a “super soldier”. Implants are used on “disposable” operatives. The super elite would want to be above such things.
Another class of secret medical devices would include “tags”. Tags are physical or chemical agents used to mark specific people or classes of people so they can be located and tracked by surveillance satellites. To be effective, the target must be unaware that he or she has been tagged. Tags are often administered by doctors because people generally trust doctors, allow them close access to their bodies and are totally unaware that tagging is possible. For example, tag detection satellites silently and secretly patrol the Mexican border. High profile people who are aware of tagging take precautions. Osama Bin Laden reportedly avoided detection because his hideout had a lead roof.
Early research centered on melding traditional psychic skills with modern high technology and, wherever possible, creating inanimate devices which could duplicate the abilities of natural psychics.
David Morehouse, in his book Psychic Warrior mentions a secret device the government had developed which could detect if a remote viewer was psychically present in the vicinity.
One result of this research was the Aura Balancing Machine. Natural psychic healers can do aura balancing. First, of course, you have to know that the aura is there, then you have to be able to see it. Having done this, you can now look for defects — weak spots or holes — and you must then repair whatever problems you found by appropriately channeling energy to the problem areas.
As a living person, you can’t do this constantly. However, a machine can. So, the aura balancing machine is basically a magnetic field generator which is controlled by a computer which is programmed with a model of a “perfect” aura. It scans the aura, detects defects and then calculates and applies the correction forces. The MRI machine is a spin-off of the secret research which developed the Aura Balancing Machine.
We must also consider extensive store of genetic knowledge. Much of this knowledge is public. Much more is secret. Over ten years ago, selected police departments were given a secret genetic analyzer which would produce a person’s fingerprints and photograph when a DNA sample from the person was inputted into the machine.
Even though this may sound incredible, remember that this device is “old technology”. We can hardly guess what the current state of the art in secret genetic knowledge might be. We know designer organisms are common and the ultimate product of this research will be a new race of laboratory created designer people.
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