Friday, May 25, 2012

Micro-Chipping Agenda & RFID Chips Are Being Implemented

Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as ‘natural progressions’; thus lessening any possible public resistance and commotion. Predictive programming therefore may be considered as a veiled form of preemptive mass manipulation or mind control.
Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda confirms the reality of the microchip agenda, and shows that the weapon of propaganda has been used against the public for decades in order to familiarize us with the idea of being chipped. This process is called predictive programming and its purpose is literally to program the mind of the victim so as to accept without question whatever is required by the programmer – in this case, the idea of being microchipped at some point in the future. The victim is generally unaware of being programmed, believing that it’s all just harmless entertainment. For this reason it can be a powerful and effective weapon against us.
By explaining this process and giving example after example, Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda is an attempt to alert the viewer to some of the ways in which we have been manipulated throughout our lives for the specific purpose of slowly but surely shepherding us all into a Hellish world of microchip implants and totalitarian control. We hope that by exposing the programming we can break the program and derail this diabolical agenda. To be successful we need your help.
We can clearly see how we slowly being brainwashed and forced to believe that it is in our benefit and convenience. We are slowly micro-chipping our children by convincing ourselves that it is for our peace of mind and for their safety. In the process we are getting them use to this kind of a way of life.
We are getting our children so use to and dependent on these ID’s and RFID chips that by the time they are adults they can not function without them.
It started with the micro-chipping of animals, first voluntarily and now often by law, and the same method is being used on humans.
Just Remember human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under you skin under any circumstance.
Below are many highly revealing excerpts of important microchip implants news stories reported in the major media.

RFID Chips Being Added To Brazillian Children’s School Uniforms

Some 20,000 pupils in the north-eastern city of Vitoria da Conquista will have microchips embedded in their school T-shirts. The parents will get a text message when their children arrive at school, or if they are late for classes. The authorities say the measure will help teacher-parent relations. The authorities say the measure will help teacher-parent relations. The authorities in Vitoria da Conquista, Bahia state, call the micro chipped T-shirts “intelligent uniforms”. They say that by next year all local pupils aged up to 14 would use them. The city’s education director, Coriolano Moraes, says the measure was introduced because parents were not aware that their children were missing school. “We noticed that many parents would bring their children to school but would not see if they actually entered the building because they always left in a hurry to get to work,” he told the Associated Press news agency.

The chips are placed underneath the badge of a school uniform, or on a sleeve. When a pupil passes through sensors at the school entrance, the chip sends an SMS message to parents. If they are more than 20 minutes late for class, their families are alerted with a different message: “Your child has still not arrived at school.”
The local government has invested about $700,000 (£442, 531) to set up the system.

Ghana preps for first biometric vote

Ghana is getting ready for its first-ever biometric voter registration ahead of December’s general elections. The $45-million project has been piloted in some areas, but social and technological difficulties remain, according to a report in Voice of America.
Ghana joins Nigeria, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo who adopted the fingerprint scanning technology to help prevent electoral fraud.
Ghana hopes the bio-metric system will verify that those who are voting should be voting, and that they only vote once.
There are complications with the system. There are 23,000 polling stations in the country, but they are not interconnected to share registration information. This leaves room for duplication

Alabama schools in pilot program to track students riding buses

 The Huntsville, Ala. school district is conducting a pilot program that will track when and where students get on and off the bus. Currently, three schools–an elementary, middle and high school–are involved in the pilot.
The program, which kicks off next month, involves the 300 students tapping their ID card against a reader installed in each bus. If successful, said a district spokesman, the program could be expanded district-wide.
The system, called ZPass, will enable school administrators to keep better track of those students who ride the bus and is designed to keep children safe.
Each student in the program will be assigned an RFID-enabled card, which they will use each time they enter or exit the bus. Coupled with GPS technology, the card reader records the location of the bus at the time of the swipe and loads that information onto the district’s computer network. At any time, administrators can pull up the data–including a map–and see where a student either entered or exited a bus.

Lunchrooms in Ohio school districtundergo overhaul

Fingerprint scanners and healthier menus are some of the renovations for schools in the Tallmadge, Ohio City School District. The finger scanners alone speed up the lunch lines as students no longer have to juggle cash when paying for their lunch.
The scanners identify students and faculty, but the fingerprints aren’t collected. The scanners also eliminate the possibility of a student being identified as a beneficiary of free or reduced lunches.
With the new system, parents can pay for their students’ lunches via a Web site while school administrators can track what items are being eaten.

Ohio elementary school gets biometric cafeterias

Munroe Elementary School in Tallmadge, Ohio is upgrading its cafeteria to be cash-free when the students return form winter break relying instead on biometrics for students to access accounts for their food, according to a Tallmadge Express article.
The change, which is designed off a system at nearby Hudson City Schools to help make lines move quicker, is part of a school overhaul of its dining program that also includes changes in the offerings to help improve the diets of the students.
The fingerprint-based systems are not entirely new to the schools, as they already been running in middle and high schools in Tallmadge. The system at Munroe will be the first to run entirely cashless without an option for students to pay in cash, which may expand to all the schools.
While the school is looking forward to having quicker lines with no lost money issues, it is also hopeful the cashless system will see benefits in a cut-down of germ transmissions and will enable students that receive financial assistance with their meals to better remain anonymous to their classmates.

Finger scanning utilized at two West Virginia high schools

High schools in Jefferson County, W.V. will be implementing biometric finger scanning in an effort to provide security for the students’ cafeteria accounts. Purpose of the program, according to school officials, is to eliminate clerical errors and to provide students with an easy way to identify themselves when using the cafeteria.
Using the finger scanner provided by identiMetrics, the software scans the finger to create and store individual templates of unique points that ID each student.
When the student returns to the cafeteria, his finger is again scanned and if a match is found in the database, the student is identified.

Students in Cabell County middle and high schools will soon be paying for their meals using fingerprint scanning technology, according to The Herald-Dispatch.
Cabell County joins other counties in West Virginia already using the technology in an effort to improve the speed and accuracy of school breakfast and lunch lines. The county sent out letters to parents notifying them of the change, but still questions and concerns have been raised regarding the fingerprint scanning system.
The program will better protect students’ cafeteria account, while reducing clerical errors that can occur on breakfast and lunch lines. It also aims to eliminate the possibility of a students’ meal card being stolen and used by another student, and will halt the problem of students losing cards or forgetting account numbers.

Student ID number replaces cash at school cafeteria

Students at the Salem, Ark. high school need to only punch in their ID number at the start of the cafeteria line in order to eat lunch. The program, called Etrition, includes a terminal at the start of the food service line which eliminates the need for diners to pay cash and receive change from a cashier.
For elementary students, the teacher in each classroom takes a count of how many students plan to eat that day and passes the information, via a touch screen, on to the cafeteria.
Parents can use the Salem School Web site to post money to their student’s account.

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