Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The following information is a summary of one the greatest movies regarding German Anti-Gravity technology that was developed during WW2. The development of this advanced technology also came at the a time when there was strong evidence of off world contact. Actually you have to go back to Vienna before the second world war to understand this technology. These people in Germany talked about the impending new age. The thoughts of humanity are the mirror of the conflicts between good and evil. The white road of unselfish is the idea that is basically good. Power without love can lead to catastrophe. Hitler came to learn many of these ideas. In Vienna, Austria 1917 four men and a women met in a Cafe in Vienna called Shopenhower. Medium Maria Autish (a spiritualistic medium), Fighter pilot Louter Vites, Officer Karl Householer, Rudolph Von Zebuttondorph, Fralef Gallerf from the Knights Templer discussed making contact with distant worlds. The subject of this meeting was the coming of the new age. This coffee house meeting gave birth to Freel Society and Tule Society. This group believed in something called the black sun which is what would light the soul of man. This was the beginning of German UFOs.

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